Microsoft Azure Makes it Possible to Use One Workspace, Anywhere, on Just a Single Device “Microsoft Azure has allowed us to quickly scale our platform.


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Presentation transcript:

Microsoft Azure Makes it Possible to Use One Workspace, Anywhere, on Just a Single Device “Microsoft Azure has allowed us to quickly scale our platform and services during our growth. Today we also use Azure to support all our Awingu demo environments in a flexible manner for us, our partners and our prospects.” – Pieter De Clerck, CTO, Awingu SITUATION How work is done has changed significantly in the past few years: People have an increasing desire to work from anywhere, anytime and from any device. Sadly, traditional solutions are still very much device- and location- dependent, often too complex for users and require switching between multiple devices. Awingu looked to fix those problems, but it needed the right cloud platform to get it done. MICROSOFT AZURE ISV: Awingu WEB SITE: LOCATION: Gent, Belgium ORG SIZE: 15 employees MICROSOFT AZURE ISV PROFILE: Awingu is a workspace aggregator that gives users secure access to corporate IT resources such as company applications and data. Leveraging the latest web technologies, Awingu provides a new way of delivering IT services: Users can work and collaborate using any device with an HTML5-capable browser, anywhere at any time. SOLUTION Awingu went with Microsoft Azure to meet its cloud needs. Awingu relies on Azure’s Infrastructure-as-a-Service functions, including Virtual Machines, to host its solution and allow users to access it from anywhere while having their work sync across multiple devices. Azure SQL Database delivers quick and massive scalability when needed, while Azure’s containers provide a new level of isolation, ensuring code running in one container doesn’t affect the host operating system or different containers. BENEFITS Microsoft Azure’s user-friendliness makes the solution easier and faster for enterprises to deploy than other methods. Azure’s reputation and strong network of certified partners gives customers added confidence in the strength of Awingu’s solution.