7/19/2018 Student End of Year Training for the 2013-14 Collection and for the Data Pipeline March and April, 2014 Last updated: 10/8/13.


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Presentation transcript:

7/19/2018 Student End of Year Training for the 2013-14 Collection and for the Data Pipeline March and April, 2014 Last updated: 10/8/13

Agenda Schedule Collection overview Why do we collect student start and exit information? How is the data used? Key terms (AYG, cohort, IPST, Adjustment, etc.) Adequate documentation Student interchange, adjustment file, and IPST overwrite file Snapshot Reports Q & A

~ End of Year Collection Schedule~

Important Dates for the 2013-14 Collection Regular Process Feb 24th – EOY 2013-14 opens for data submission June 5th –  All districts create an End of Year snapshot. Snapshot must contain records. June 19th –  All districts pass Student Interchange and Title I interchange level edits. Majority of data flows through to the snapshot. July 31st - All districts have clean snapshot with no errors September 11th  –  All districts submit their End of Year snapshots and approve initial Data Summary reports. This deadline is mandated under Colorado Administrative Rules.

Important Dates for the 2013-14 Collection Phase A Process September 29th through October 23rd – Cross LEA validation (reclaiming dropouts from prior collection years).  If applicable, districts will be asked to participate in the Mini-Phase A post collection concerning transfers to facilities. Phase B Process October 30th through December 4th – Post Cross LEA validation (verifying transfers and dropouts within Colorado) If applicable, districts will be asked to participate in the Mini-Phase B post collection concerning transfers to facilities. Final Dates December 5th – 11th – Districts review final rates after AYG reconciliation. New sign off page required if rates changed. December 11th – Superintendents must approve final Data Summary Reports  (collection closes) January 22nd, 2015 – Official/final data and rates posted on the CDE web site and released to the public

EOY Collection process and Cross LEA validation process Districts can change Students’ exit codes and other elements. Regular collection process Modify all elements September 11th Post A/Mini A process Prior year dropouts, expulsions, GED transfers October 30th Post B process Current year check across the state – Only change exit types December 4th AYG reconcile Grad rates may change Submit Submit Submit

~ Collection Overview~

What is End of Year? Student’s educational history Entry and exit information (dates and codes) Advanced Placement course completion Post secondary information

~ Enter and Exit types~

Why do we use entry and exit types? Entry Type – Indicates how a student entered the school or district Code = 02 – Continuous in same school (Start of year) Code = 11 – Transfer from school in same district Code = 13 - Transfer from another district Code = 70 – Return to school after transferring to a GED program A lot more of codes

Why do we use entry and exit types? Exit Type – Indicates how a student exits the school or district Code = 11 – Transfer to school in same district Code = 13 - Transfer to another district Code = 40 – Drop out Code = 90 – Graduate A lot more codes

Why do we use entry and exit types? Student returns from prior year (entry type 02). Student exits to transfer to another district (exit type 13) Later in the year student comes back from another district (entry type 13) Student exits for the summer (exit 00) District Sasid Entry Date Entry Type Exit Date Exit Type 0180 1234567890 08/21/13 02 10/02/13 13 12/10/13 05/29/14 00

How does this look at state level? District Sasid Entry Date Entry Type Exit Date Exit Type 0180 1234567890 08/21/13 02 10/02/13 13 0900 10/3/13 12/09/13 12/10/13 05/29/14 00 We can see a full history of the student’s education for the year.

Where are all the entry and exit types? Student School Association file http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/inter_student

~ How is the data used ~

How is data used? Used for rates Required for Federal Reporting Graduation Completion Dropout Mobility Stability Required for Federal Reporting

Where is this data used? School and District Performance Frameworks Community uses it for evaluation Reported to the Federal Government Research and data analysis Media reports it

~ Key Terms~

Key Terms AYG – Anticipated Year of Graduation (4 years after enter 9th grade) IPST – Instructional Program Service Type (Free and reduced lunch, Title I, Migrant, etc) Cohort – Group of students with same AYG and common IPST category. Graduate – Student receiving High School diploma

Key Terms Completer – Student receiving High School diploma, or GED, or certificate of completion SPF and DPF – School Performance Framework or District Performance Framework Summer dropout – Student leaves 8th grade and is not reported in the state of Colorado the following school year

Key Terms Adequate Documentation – Documentation showing where a potential drop out is being educated. Records request is not adequate documentation http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_eoy Contains forms List of required documents Reduce dropouts

~ Adequate Documentation ~

Document where a student goes? What happens to a student after they leave the district? Document everything – Get signatures Student leaving the Country Student being home schooled Transfer to another district

Why? Make sure student is being educated Lower dropout rates Good practices

Where can I find more information Adequate documentation http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_eoy Documents Adequate Documentation of Transfer List Request for Confirmation of Enrollment and Attendance Notification of Withdrawal Student Transfer Follow up

Reminder About Transfer Students Students who tell you that they are transferring in the next school year but who complete all coursework in your district (up to three weeks before the end of school) should have an exit code of ‘00’. If they are coded with exit code ‘13’ they will be counted as a dropout because they will not have time to show up in another school/district before the end of the year. When a student is transferring, insure to follow up with that student immediately to get adequate documentation of the transfer. This way, you can avoid students unnecessarily being coded as dropouts. Note: Please see http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_eoy for an adequate documentation list complete with exit codes.

~ End of Year Changes for 2013-2014 ~

DATA PIPELINE Data Pipeline Load data into Student Interchange and Title I Load Adjustment file Create snapshot Correct the errors in the source data Repeat above steps until error free Once data is complete submit data to CDE This must be done by September 11th We will discuss Phase A and Phase B as it gets closer. For file upload instructions, please see Trainings: 28

New Files Adjustment file IPST Overwrite file Prior years dropouts, expulsions, or GED program IPST Overwrite file Flexibility to overwrite a student’s IPST cohort information Optional file

New Adjustment File Adjustments are now in there own file. File loaded same as the student interchange files File layout at the following link: http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_eoy Fields are: district code, sasid, student last name, student first name, student gender, birth date student, adjustment code, adjustment school, adjustment year

New Adjustment File Adjustments work same way as in the past Fields are filled linking back to prior year information Loaded as a separate file

New IPST Overwrite Files Optional file Used to adjust student ESL or Bilingual fields Flexibility to overwrite a student’s IPST cohort information Migrant Homeless Free and Reduced Lunch (Economically Disadvantage) Gifted and Talented

Submission Process Student Interchange Preparation Obtain Student Identifiers (SASIDs) Extract Interchange files in correct format from your Student Information System Load the 3-5 Data Pipeline Student Profile Interchanges: Student demographics Student – school association Advanced course completion If using adjustments or IPST overwrite files, upload respective file Load Title I Interchange * (to identify students who receive Title I targeted assistance funding) Only districts that have any Title I-funded school(s) that are Targeted Assistance (TA) programs complete this interchange Go to “Cognos Report” on the Pipeline menu to download errors and warnings You can view and download them in several formats including as Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, CSV files, HTML files, or XML files For file upload instructions, please see Trainings: 33

Submission Process Student End of Year Create Student End of Year snapshot (Student Profile → Snapshot) Not a new file submission Snapshot of previously submitted Student Profile Interchanges Go to “Cognos Report” on the Pipeline menu to download errors and warnings Correct errors (within the Pipeline or by loading new interchange files) Once all edit checks have passed, submit approval of your data to CDE Use Cognos Report to validate data Student Profile -> Status Dashboard -> Submit to CDE In Pipeline -> Student Profile -> Status Dashboard -> Download Sign Off Form CDE identifies dropouts from prior years showing up in other districts CDE checks across all districts to make sure student exit type is valid Note: all errors must be resolved before continuing to the next step in the process For file upload instructions, please see Trainings: Student End of Year directions (PDF) On the Data Pipeline Snapshots webpage, http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/snap_studentOctober.asp 34

End of Year snapshot criteria Pull all error-free records from the student school association file where PRIMARY_SCHOOL = 1 And school code is a valid public school code And Pupils Attendance Information between 01 and 08 And school entry type <> 04 The records selected will be joined with data from the Student and Advanced Course Completion tables. For joining to Student, use District Code, School Year, and SASID.  For joining to Advanced Course Completion, use District Code, School Code, School Year, and SASID. For file upload instructions, please see Trainings: Student End of Year directions (PDF) On the Data Pipeline Snapshots webpage, http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/snap_studentOctober.asp 35

Changes for 2013-14 Collection The file layouts have changed within Data Pipeline The Free and Reduced Lunch codes have changed 03 (Not Eligible) is no longer a valid value 03 is replaced with 00 (Not Eligible) 01 (Free Lunch Eligible) and 02 (Reduced Lunch Eligible) remain unchanged Title I targeted assisted students are calculated based on information in the Title I interchange Race and Ethnicity codes are now 0 (No) or 1 (Yes) No longer report the federal race and ethnicity value This is calculated based on race and ethnicity codes

Student Interchange Template Student interchange template exists out on the Data Pipeline website. Same template you used for Student October The template and directions are posted at http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/inter_student Look at example saved in folder

READ ~ Separate Collection If you have any questions related with READ content, please contact: Dian Prestwich Colorado Department of Education Teaching and Learning Literacy Grants and Initiatives Room 404 201 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80203 Phone: (303) 866-6150 Email: prestwich_d@cde.state.co.us

Post Secondary Program Field Advanced Course Completion file Participation types aligned with student October. The Institute of Higher Education that a student attends will still need to be reported. An updated list has been provided. This is the only field that has not experienced a change. If a student attends more than one Institute of Higher Education or participates in more than one post-secondary program type, the Semester ‘A’ and Semester ‘B’ designations should be used.

Post Secondary Program Field Code Program Grade CDE Contact Not Applicable 1 ASCENT Program 12 only Judith Martinez (303) 866-6127 2 Concurrent Enrollment 9 - 12 7 Early College 9-12 Audit Team (audit@cde.state.co.us) 8 Community College Dropout Recovery Age 16-21

Language Proficiency Codes Reminder of the two codes (in addition to NEP, LEP and FEP) PHLOTE, English Proficient FELL- Former ELL Why: Currently, when students leave a district, information is lost. These codes will insure that student data is not left out when he/she moves to a different district. Student history is preserved. When: These codes should only be used when a student is new to a district. Exceptions will be made in the first year for districts who would like to go back and correct their data.

PHLOTE, English Proficient Primary or Home Language Other Than English (PHLOTE) Never been served in (or no information that the student has been served in) an English language instruction education program (i.e., ELA, ESL, Bilingual) in another district, state, or country. Proficient in English, via WIDA and body of evidence.

FELL- Former ELL Former English Language Learner (FELL) Previously received English language instruction education program (i.e: ELA, ESL, Bilingual) in another district, state, or country Proficient in English, via WIDA and body of evidence Question on Categories: Morgan Cox: cox_m@cde.state.co.us

Associated Changes- Language Background Primary Home Language Other Than English (PHLOTE), and Former ELL (FELL), must have a language background code other than English (ENG). 

EOY Resources Student Interchange file layouts, edits, template: http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/inter_student Student End of Year file layouts and edits: http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_eoy Reports Webinar Posted At: Adequate Documentation of Transfer List: http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_eoy Exit Types that Comprise Graduation Rates: http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_eoy

What questions do you have?

Link to test environment District 0960stdleauser@pipeline.com DEMO Link to test environment District 0960stdleauser@pipeline.com

Who to Contact at CDE DATA SERVICES UNIT Kevin Smith, EOY Consultant (303) 866-6723 Smith_k@cde.state.co.us Jan Rose Petro, Director (303) 866-6838 petro_j@cde.state.co.us Dennis St. Hilaire, Program Assistant (303) 866-6840 st.hilaire_d@cde.state.co.us STUDENT IDENTIFIER MANAGEMENT UNIT (SASIDS) Debbie Pulscher (303) 866-6612 pulscher_d@cde.state.co.us