Pass it or I will haunt you in your sleep. Good Luck! Kitchen Safety Pass it or I will haunt you in your sleep. Good Luck!
Burns and Fire Prevention You could be burned by: Use oven mitt to handle hot pots Towel racks should be located away from the stove No loose clothing or hair Grease Steam/Water Fire Hot Pans
Steam/Hot Water Lift lid of container away from you so steam can escape Place a glass measuring cup on a tray before pouring boiling water into it Use tongs to turn hot food or remove hot food from water
DO: Use potholders and mitts, never use wet material as a potholder Use the burner closest to the size of the pan Avoid steam; open lids away from you Use caution when removing items from the microwave
DON’T Lean over pots of hot liquids Spill water onto hot oil Allow pot handles or cooking utensils to stick out from counters or stove fronts Use metal containers, foil or utensils in microwave Engage in running, jumping, or other horseplay in the kitchen
Grease Fires Use a lid or cover to smother Salt may be used for small fires
Sharps Sharps are: anything in the kitchen that has a blade or point. Sharps should be kept out of the sink and washed, then stored separately.
Handling tools If a tool falls, allow it to hit the ground. Once it stops bouncing, pick it up by the handle. I would like you to leave my class with all the body parts you had when you entered. Cut and peel away from the body (but not toward a classmate).
Basic safety rules Hold sharp objects by the handle Keep your eyes on what you’re doing If it starts to fall, let it go! Don’t put knives into the sink with other dishes Use a cutting board
Be Safe! We use a great number and variety of tools in the Teen Living classroom. Some are small and operated manually, like knives, peelers, and spatulas. Others are electrical appliances like refrigerators, stoves, mixers, blenders, and sandwich makers.
It’s Electric!! Small appliances are: toasters, hand mixers, sandwich makers, anything that sits on the counter but is put away after use. Avoid using small appliances near the sink. Unplug appliances for adjusting and cleaning and when not in use. Remember water and electricity could result in something shocking! Use the plug, not the cord, to remove an appliance from the wall socket, even if you have to bend down. Don’t stick a fork in the toaster (or any other small appliance)!
Additional Safety Tips The kitchen will need to be cleaned after each lab. Dishes are to be washed, dried, and put away; tables and counters wiped down, and floor swept. Make sure spills are cleaned up immediately. Never clean a small appliance while it is in use. Wait until the mixer stops before scraping the sides of the bowl with a spatula. Dress code must be adhered to at all times.
And… ABSOLUTELY NO HORSEPLAY!!!! I love cooking with students but Jumping, running, rough-housing and other horseplay will not be tolerated in the teen living classroom. WALK to the trash can to throw things out; don’t toss anything.