Jeopardy VocabSer/estarP or Isubjunctive S or I Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.


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Presentation transcript:

Jeopardy VocabSer/estarP or Isubjunctive S or I Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1 This weekend I am going to go bowling with my friends.

$100 Answer from H1 Este fin de semana voy a jugar al boliche con mis amigos.

$200 Question from H1 Communication is important in order to make peace.

$200 Answer from H1 La comunicación es importante para hacer las paces.

$300 Question from H1 She stood me up. She is REALLY arrogant and rude.

$300 Answer from H1 Ella me dejó plantado. Ella es creidísima y grosera.

$400 Question from H1 I made a mistake and I asked for forgiveness.

$400 Answer from H1 Cometí un error y pedí perdón.

$500 Question from H1 We had a misunderstanding and my girlfriend offended me.

$500 Answer from H1 Tuvimos un malentendido y mi novia me ofendió.

$100 Question from H2 What are the acronyms to remember Ser and estar with the uses?

$100 Answer from H2 Ser- TBOP Time, Basic char. Origin, profession Estar- FLING Feelings, location, ing

$200 Question from H2 Yo ________ chilena y mis padres ________ en Chile ahora.

$200 Answer from H2 Soy (nationality) Están (location)

$300 Question from H2 La casa de mis abuelos _____ cerca de la playa y ____ muy grande.

$300 Answer from H2 Está (location) Es (basic char)

$400 Question from H2 ¿Cómo _____ tus amigos? ¿Generosos o egoístas?

$400 Answer from H2 Son (describe their personalities)

$500 Question from H2 Translate: How was the party?

$500 Answer from H2 ¿Qué tal estuvo la fiesta?

$100 Question from H3 Cuando mi hermano (ser) ____ joven siempre (jugar)______ al boliche.

$100 Answer from H3 Era, jugaba (childhood and repitition)

$200 Question from H3 Ayer mi familia (ir) ______ al cine para ver una película y después (salir)_______ a comer.

$200 Answer from H3 Fue, salió (specific, one time events)

$300 Question from H3 Translate: When I arrived at school my friends were talking.

$300 Answer from H3 Cuando llegué a escuela, mis amigos hablaban. (specific event, ongoing)

$400 Question from H3 Translate: When they were young, they used to go to the beach every summer.

$400 Answer from H3 Cuando eran jóvenes, iban a la playa todos los veranos. (habitual)

$500 Question from H3 Translate: Ana bought a new dog 2 days ago.

$500 Answer from H3 Hace 2 días que Ana compró un perro nuevo.

$100 Question from H4 What are the 6 irregular verbs in the present subjunctive and What is the yo form of each?

$100 Answer from H4 Ser- seasaber- sepa Dar- déhaber- haya Estar- esté Ir- vaya

$200 Question from H4 Ojála que mis amigos ____ (venir) a mi fiesta a tiempo.

$200 Answer from H4 vengan

$300 Question from H4 La profesora nos recomienda que no ______(dormir) en clase.

$300 Answer from H4 durmamos

$400 Question from H4 Quiero un amigo que _____ (almorzar) conmigo en la cafetería.

$400 Answer from H4 almuerce

$500 Question from H4 Me irrita que los artistas no ____ (conocer) a los actores.

$500 Answer from H4 conozcan

$100 Question from H5 I hope to get an A in Spanish.

$100 Answer from H5 Espero sacar una A en español.

$200 Question from H5 It is true that a good friend is loyal.

$200 Answer from H5 Es cierto que un buen amigo es leal.

$300 Question from H5 I am looking for a house that has a pool and is on the beach.

$300 Answer from H5 Busco una casa que tenga una piscina y esté en la playa.

$400 Question from H5 I dont know anyone who speaks Spanish and French.

$400 Answer from H5 No conozco a nadie que hable español y francés.

$500 Question from H5 She likes that her friends are funny and not gossipy.

$500 Answer from H5 Le gusta que sus amigos sean cómicos y no chismosos.

Final Jeopardy Translate: If I were a famous person I would have a lot of money and I would give money to my family.

Final Jeopardy Answer Si yo fuera una persona famosa tendría mucho dinero y daría dinero a mi familia.