Parents’ Assessment Meeting March 9th 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Parents’ Assessment Meeting March 9th 2016

Six months ago ……. Over the past few months there have been massive changes in both the National Curriculum (taught to all pupils in England) and the Assessment System

New National Curriculum All primary aged pupils now study the new National Curriculum: There are changes to the content of all subjects in the national curriculum. In maths, children will be expected to learn more at an earlier age - for example to know their 12 times table by the age of nine Standards have been raised generally across the curriculum and particularly in English and Mathematics; some elements taught in Year 7 mathematics, last year, now have moved to Year 6, for example

Assessment Government expectations: Pupils will achieve all objectives for the relevant year group – they will be SECURE with their knowledge skills and understanding within that subject Pupils will study objectives IN DEPTH – children will be able to apply their skills and knowledge across all subjects. This will appear as a deeper understanding of fewer topics, through problem-solving, questioning and encouraging deep mathematical thinking.

Exemplification Materials (February 2016)

Impact of changes on HLC’s annual mid year reports Attainment Government changes in the curriculum have led to higher expectations as to what children need to know by the end of the year.  Therefore, children who were working above national expectations, last year, are often now working in line and those pupils who were working at the expected rates may now be working below.  This doesn’t mean your child has not made progress or slipped back – it is that the boundaries have changed.  Children are no longer expected to be working above national expectations; the most able pupils will be working at ‘greater depth’.

Emerging Developing Secure Phonic Phase Emerging Developing Secure Current tracking indicates:   Emerging Developing Secure Read Write Maths Phonic Phase Current tracking indicates:   Emerging Developing Secure Read Write Maths Phonic Phase