Reading is Complex Syntax Association Cultural Background


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Presentation transcript:

Reading is Complex Syntax Association Cultural Background Contextually Based Text Comprehension Motivation Predictability Life Experience Sight Words Picture Clues Controlled Vocabulary Repetition Phonemic Awareness Phonics Writing Visual Discrimination

According to Research from the following groups: Children are more successful developing literacy when they have excellent teachers The Program for the Improvement of Student Achievement (PISA) The Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA) The Center for English Language Achievement and Assessment (CELA) Researchers (Allington, Johnston, Morrow, Pearson, Pressley, Ruddell, Taylor)

Exemplary teachers have students who score well on reading tests.

Characteristics of Exemplary Literacy Instruction (What do you See in the Video) Varied Strategies Grouping to Meet Individual Differences High expectations Teachers Care Teachers attend to Social, Emotional, Physical and intellectual development Constructive Feedback Productively Engaged Explicit Instruction Problem Solving Organization & Management Skills: eg. Rules Quality Preparation & Continuous Professional Development

A Model for a Typical Preschool Day 8:00 to 8:30: Children arrive and use quiet materials 8:30 to 9:00: whole group class meeting with a focus on an overview of the day. Morning message, a story, a mini lesson 9:00 10:00: Activities in Center Play settings Teacher works with small groups to meet individual needs 10:00 to 10:20: Clean-up and snack 10:20 to 10:45: Shared storybook reading 10:45-11:15: Outdoor play or indoor gym play 11:15 -11:45- Songs, poems, movement 11:45- 12:0: Review of the day

The Exemplary Day Independent Reading and Writing Morning Message Thematic Storybook Reading Mini Skill Lesson Mini Comprehension Lesson Modeling Center Activities Guided Reading Writing Workshop

Professional Development First year teachers mentored by exemplary teachers Attend Professional Conferences Teacher input and collaboration with peers Administrative support Time to change Goal setting Knowledgeable consultants to motivate Coaches provide modeling Teacher study groups to share and reflect Continuous through your career School Plan and a Personal Plan 100 hours a year or 3 hours a week represents change

You may have tangible wealth untold, Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold, Richer than I you could never be, I had parents who read to me.

Types of Centers & Activities for Literacy Word Study Center: With onset and rime letters create words for the following word families-- et, up, op, an, at. Write down the word families. Listening/Comprehension Center: Listen to the story on the headsets and follow along in the book Fill out the graphic organizer for story structure elements. Do one illustration for one story structure element Writing Center: Provide paper of all sorts Provide colored pencils, markers, crayons et Write and rewrite stories Make lists Library Corner: Select an informational book that was read to the class. Partner read the book Discuss and then write and illustrate the part you liked the most Choice Activities When other Center Work is Completed: Read a book silently. Illustrate the part you like most. Do a program on the computer center Use one of the games in the word study center Write a short book about the theme being studied in your classroom

Literacy Centers Rocking Chair, Rugs, Throw Pillows Computer Multiple Genre Books (5-8 per child and 3-4 grade levels) Open Faced Shelving Books Stored By Genre Leveled Books Felt Board and Roll Stories Headset and Taped Stories Method For Checking Out Books Books on Tape Rules Demonstrations For Using Materials Accountability

Multiple Genres Available Fiction Non-Fiction Picture Books Informational Books Magazines Biography Poetry Novels

What Children said about Literacy Center Time The literacy center is nice and cozy and there are lots of good books you can choose from (Choice) Reading is fun in the center because you can read with a friend. When you need help your friend helps you. (Collaboration) You can take books home right from the center (Access) You can choose easy books, hard books, long books, short books. (choice, challenge) I get more done because I can work with others (Collaboration) The only thing missing from literacy center time is a snack bar.

Modeling Center Activities

Why do we use Centers Children get to practice skills learned Children learn to be independent, self directed, and how to collaborate with piers Provides activities when other assigned work is completed. Allows teacher to meet with guided reading groups or individuals to teach skills

Teacher does a lesson to introduce skills with center material Helping children to use center activities Explicit modeling: Teacher does a lesson to introduce skills with center material Guided Practice: Materials are used with the teacher’s help Independent Practice: Materials placed in center for children to use Include written directions for use Include accountability for all center activities Include rules during Center Time Put completed work in a designated spot

How kids go from one center to another: Teacher assigns kids Center board indicates Change with the guided reading group Ring a bell, set a Timer Assign three activities allow one choice activity

Vocabulary Development What Is Vocabulary? A set of words for which we know the meaning. Types Of Vocabulary To Learn: Listening Vocabulary Speaking Vocabulary Reading Vocabulary Writing Vocabulary What Strategies Do We Use To Teach Vocabulary? Learn use of dictionary Language word parts (prefix, suffix, roots) Use of context clues Themes, stories, play, music, art, science, and social studies

The Values of and types of Story Reading and Story Telling Values of Storybook Reading and Story Telling Gain Information Motivates a desire to read Enhances language development Develops Sense of Story Structure Types of Storybook Reading and Story telling Felt board Music stories Prop stories Sound stories Puppet stories Chalk talk

Good Narrative and Expository Text setting Theme Plot Episodes Resolution Expository Description Sequence Comparison Cause and Effect Problem Solution

Characteristics Good Books Biography Story of a person life’s Non-fiction Clarity, factual accuracy Poetry Rhyme, images Folklore patterned language, fast pace Fantasy Believable, consistent, logical, conflict, characterization Science Fiction Speculative, extrapolation of fact Realistic Possible, plausible, conflict Historical Fiction Details, setting affects plot, keeping with the period

Good Illustration What medium Suitable for text Colors right Style of illustrations: bold, dleicat Unique, why Balance and harmony Is there a mood Grace Conveys convincing characters and plot Consistent style Accuracy

Comprehension What Is Comprehension? Constructing meaning while actively involved with text What Strategies Do We Use To Teach Comprehension? Collaboration and Cooperative Learning Retelling Graphic and Semantic Organizers - Maps, Webs, Venn Diagrams, KWL, etc. Self Monitoring Answering Questions About Inference and Prediction Generating Questions Use of Prior Knowledge Mental Imagery Multiple Strategy In Structure

The Values of and types of Story Reading and Story Telling Values of Storybook Reading and Story Telling Gain Information Motivates a desire to read Enhances language development Develops Sense of Story Structure Types of Storybook Reading and Story telling Felt board Music stories Prop stories Sound stories Puppet stories Chalk talk

Practicing Comprehension with CENTER MATERIALS 1. Felt Board Stories Characters from a book made of oak tag or construction paper. They are backed with felt or sandpaper and used when telling a story by displaying them on a felt board. 2. Roll Movies stories illustrated on paper that come on a roll (such as shelving paper). Dowels are inserted into a box with a rectangular cutout opening. The roll story is taped to the dowels at the top and bottom. The dowels are turned to reveal each scene. 3. Prop Stories A collection of materials for a particular book such as three stuffed bears, three bowls, and yellow-haired doll for telling the story of Goldilocks. 4. Puppet Stories Various types of puppets for telling stories such as hand, stick, face, and finger puppets. 5. Chalk Talks Drawing a story on a chalkboard or a sheet of paper while the story is being read or told.

Relationship Between Amount of Recreational Reading and Scores on Standardized Reading Tests Percentile Rank 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 98 Minutes Reading/Day .7 1.9 3.3 5.0 6.4 10.0 14.2 20.0 65.0

Writing What Is Writing? What Strategies Do We Use To Teach Writing? Oral language written down. It includes use of narrative, expository, and functional text. What Strategies Do We Use To Teach Writing? Composition Of Narrative Composition Of Expository Functional Writing Spelling Handwriting Punctuation

FLUENCY What is Fluency? What Strategies Do We Use To Teach Fluency? Reading orally with automaticity (ability to decode)and prosody (use of appropriate expression and speed, demonstrating comprehension). What Strategies Do We Use To Teach Fluency? Echo Reading Choral Reading Antiphonal Choral Reading Partner and Paired Reading (Collaborative Oral Reading) Repeated Reading Listening To Good Reading On Tape Readers Theater Listening and Critiquing Your Own Reading On Tape

Phonemic Awareness and Phonics What is Phonemic Awareness? Knowing that words are comprised of a sequence of spoken sounds What is Phonics? The relationship between written letters and their sounds What strategies do we use to teach Phonemic Awareness and Phonics? Phonological Awareness (Hearing individual sounds in words) Phonemic Isolation (Identifying and manipulating sounds) Phonemic Identity (Recognizing same sound in a different word) Phonemic Categorization (Recognizing words that don’t belong) Rhyming, clapping syllables Segmenting (Breaking a word into its separate sounds) Blending (Putting together separate sounds) Authentic: Literature Based Using Art, Music, Manipulatives, and Worksheets

THIS OLD MAN This old man he sings H songs He sings H songs all day long With a Hick, Hack, Haddy, Hack Sing this silly song He wants you to sing along (Tick, Tack, Taddy, Tack) (Sick, Sack, Saddy, Sack) (Mick, Mack, Maddy, Mack) (Pick, Pack, Paddy, Pack)

THE NAME GAME - By Shirley Ellis Shirley, Shirley bo Birley Bonana fanna fo Firley Fee fy mo Mirley, Shirley! Lincoln! Lincoln, Lincoln bo Bincoln Bonana fanna fo Fincoln Fee fy mo Mincoln, Lincoln! Come on everybody, I say now let’s play a game, I betcha I can make a rhyme out of anybody’s name The first letter of the name, I treat it like it wasn’t there, But a B or an F or an M will appear And then I say bo, add a B, then I say the name and Bonana fanna and a fo And then I say the name again with an M this time and there isn’t any name that I can’t rhyme Arnold! Arnold, Arnold bo Barnold Bonana fanna fo Farnold Fee fy mo Marnold Arnold! But if the first two letters are ever the same, I drop them both and say the name like Bob, Bob drop the B’s Bo ob For Fred, Fred drop the F’s Fo red, For May, Mary drop the M’s Mo ary That’s the only rule that is contrary

The Exemplary Day Independent Reading and Writing Morning Message Thematic Storybook Reading Mini Skill Lesson Mini Comprehension Lesson Modeling Center Activities Guided Reading Writing Workshop

GUIDED READING Explicit Skill Instruction To meet Individual Needs Use of appropriate materials Assessing Achievement Nature of Groups Change frequently As many as you need, not 3 3 to 5 kids in a group Selected by similar needs Meet daily or less for 5-30 minutes Select groups using multiple measures such as: Running Records Observation Standardized Assessment Teacher Judgment Alternate Rank Ordering Books at Child’s Instructional Level is determined by: Print size, Language patterns Illustrations, Vocabulary repetition Types of words, Numbers of words Number of different words, Length of sentences Length of book, Predictability, Decodable elements

Steps in a guided reading lesson Before reading: Review something done before Introduce new story Build Vocabulary and Background Knowledge Set a purpose for reading Comprehension development Word study lessons During Reading Teacher reads story to children Children read story together Older children read alone After Reading: More Comprehension work Word Study development

Assessment in Guided Reading Ongoing assessment of daily progress Progress note sent home once a week for each child Have a focus child daily Running records monitor progress and determine: Reading level, strengths, needs, instruction,

Thomas Jefferson’s Beliefs About Literacy Education The ability of every citizen to read is necessary to the practice of democracy Reading should be taught during the earliest yeas of schooling Reading will ensure that the people will be able to be safe and be the guardians of their own liberty.

We Can Make Our Children’s Dreams Come True Japanese Proverb Better than 1000 days of diligent study Is one day with a great teacher