Developing People-Improving Care Anne-Marie Archard
“The framework set out a number of immediate actions in 2017/18, including making available support for systems leadership development to each STP footprint, developing the role of local leadership academies, launching a system-wide programme to address discrimination against staff with protected characteristics, supporting organisations to improve talent management, and establishing a national support function for senior leaders.”
A Collaborative Approach
Leadership Academy Focus
What does this mean in reality?
Leadership Academy Priorities 2017/18 Expansion of GMTS New Clinical Executive Fast Track Scheme Accreditation of leadership development Health MBA Systems Leadership and STP support Building Leadership for Inclusion Talent Management
Talent Management Local Regional National TM leads development programme Supporting organisations to develop TM strategies Succession planning Talent conversation training Local TM leads network Communities of practice Regional talent boards Working with STPs on TM Regional Web tools and resources Coordination of senior TM Expansion of executive search function National
Proposed Regional Talent Board scope/responsibilities To agree and establish a strategic approach to talent management for the region To represent and act on behalf of all member organisations in London To have oversight for the establishment and management of talent pools/pipelines, To collect and evaluate supply & demand data Support the use of managed talent pools to reduce executive interim usage Support more coherent deployment, making use of NHS capability and reducing reliance on commercial recruitment firms Taken From Midlands and East Model
Proposed membership Representative group of CEOs & Chief Officers (CEO Chair?) 1 x provider/commissioner HRD per STP? NHSI, NHS England and HEE Regional Directors Talent scheme representation ‘Professional’ leadership representation as talent pools and schemes emerge (e.g. , nursing, finance, operations, medical) Local leadership academy representation (secretariat) National talent management representation? NHS Executive Search representation? (career coaching, deployment support) Taken From Midlands and East Model
Table Discussion How should we develop talent boards in London? What should be their focus? What area should they cover? Who needs to be involved? What support will we need?