Presentation by the PTA 12 OCTOBER 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation by the PTA 12 OCTOBER 2016 PTA AGM Presentation by the PTA 12 OCTOBER 2016

Welcome Treasurer’s Yearly Update

Beatrix Potter School PTA Treasurer’s Yearly Update Alex Coburn 12th October 2016

2015/ 2016 Highlights - £18k raised by PTA from events Year in Numbers Plus £3.5K contributed from Sponsorship Over £3K generated from Gift Aid £15.3K donated to school Y6 ran a tuck shop and bought Leavers’ hoodies for whole class

Donations made to School Comments: 2013/14 – Specific donations for Playground equipment from specific event 2015/16 - £15,389 2014/15 - £21,675 2013/14 - £47,620 2012/13 - £22,497

Donations Detail Dance, drama, tennis, sport £5900 Poet in residence (50% PTA donation) £1300 Mathletics (50% PTA donation) £1700 Author visit £350 Circus skills day £394 Polka theatre visit £1000 World book day gift books £1900 Maths equipment £500 Book “refresh” Outdoor table-tennis table £535 Misc. £1660

How Money was Raised Profit from events £18k Sponsorship : KJST and Young’s £3.5K Council donations: £1.45k Voluntary Contributions £3.0K Gift Aid £3K

Key Fund Raising Events* 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 Auction of Promises £17,800 Summer Fair £9.2k £7,014 £6,257 School Discos £1.7k £1,595 £1,766 Movie nights £830 £0 Xmas Events £4.3k £3,395 £2,929 Beer festival £1.4k Quiz Night £895 £671 £1,009 *Draft numbers

Fund raising analysis: the balance between profit and time required “Easy” activities raise less cash Abel and Cole Flock funds Profitable fund raisers Summer Fete Movie nights Beer fest Parents’ party KS1 and KS2 disco Cake sales Sponsorship

Voluntary Contribution Scheme Run by BP School Governors Administered by treasurer. Donors and amounts are confidential and not known to anyone other than treasurer. To raise funds to enrich the children of Beatrix Potters School’s life and providing activities which are otherwise outside the curriculum. Donation timing and amount is up to the donor To join, complete the standing order form on the school website, under ‘Our School’

Charity Giving - Gift Aid If the donor pays UK tax, then an signing a gift aid form allows the PTA to claim an additional 25% from HMRC. [A higher rate taxpayer can put this on their annual tax return form to obtain additional tax relief] GASD for small cash donations as long as nothing is received in return Allows gift aid style reclaim of 25% on up to £5,000

Matched Funding Charitable giving scheme available to employees of large organisations eg Barclays, Morgan Stanley, Citi, Unilever, Deutsche Bank Match money raised for charity eg running marathon, offer time Volunteer days – work in the school, give time eg plant flowers, painting, playground construction Does anyone work for a large organisation?

This Year’s Expected Spend Running Costs Tennis Dance/Drama £2.6k actual PE Magician / entertainer Joshua Siegal £2240

2015/ 2016 Conclusion Positives 2015/16 was a bumper year for events. We are now less reliant on the Fete, but it’s still a cash-cow . School Movie nights are profitable but require time. The Tuck Shop is self-sustaining. Points To Address Sponsorship – we need to identify new “big” corporate sponsors. Voluntary contributions are down. We are all time-poor; the most profitable events take the most organisation. “Commission” fund raising (Abel &Cole, Flock funds) is less profitable than entertainment events (Discos, Beer-fest, Fete).

Beatrix Potter School PTA chair Sarah Sheehan 12th October 2016

Join in Co-chair, deputy chair, secretary, treasurer. Committee Roles Class Reps, PTA fundraising projects, Ad Hoc. What can you offer the teachers, parents, or the children? Committee Roles Other PTA Roles Skills Contact

Committee 2016/2017 Propose Scott Beckford and Maxine Ellington Confirm re-election of Alex Coburn Co-chairs Secretary Treasurer

EVENT DATES Friday 23rd September MacMillan Coffee and Cake Sale 2.45-3.30pm in the hall Second Hand Uniform Sale Wednesday 12th October PTA AGM 7.30-8.30pm in the hall What we raised and how we spent it Friday 11th November DISCO! (and parents bar!!) 6.00-8.00pm in the hall KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5, 6) DATE CHANGE! Saturday 26th November Winter Wonderland & 12.00-4pm playground / hall Christmas Market

EVENT DATES DATE CHANGE! Friday 2nd December Parents Christmas Party 8.00-12.00pm in the hall book the babysitter now! Friday 13th January Quiz Night 7.30-11.30 in the hall Mr Neale’s legendary brain-buster Friday 3rd February DISCO! 3.30-5.30pm in the hall KS1 (Nursery, YR, Y1, Y2) Friday 3rd March Race Night 7.30-11.30pm in the hall Details coming soon … Saturday 24th June Summer Fete 12.00-4pm playground / hall


Thank you