Pocket Pets: Murines, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs


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Presentation transcript:

Pocket Pets: Murines, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs Test Review

50. To kill/eat own kind is… Snout Hibernate Cannibalism Vitamin C

Hamster 51. Hamsters store their food in ______ A. Armpits B. Nose C. Cheek pouches D. Ears

52. At what age do you wean a mouse from its mother? A. 5 weeks B. 3 weeks C. 8 weeks

53. True or False- There are many breeds of rats and mice.

54. True or False: This is the correct way to restrain a mouse.

55. When guinea pigs are happy they make a ________ 55. When guinea pigs are happy they make a ________. Word Bank Squeaking noise whistling noise gagging noise rumbling noise

56. What are the signs of a guinea pig with a respiratory infection? A. They are making a ‘whistling’ noise B. ‘Chattering’ of the teeth C. Tufts of fur missing D. Eye and nasal discharge E. Diarrhea

57. ______ are always looking to escape, they escape by _________ 57. ______ are always looking to escape, they escape by _________. Word bank: mice and rats hamsters chewing guinea pig scratching squeezing through bars

58. Which belong to Kingdom Animalia? A. Gerbils B. Hedgehogs C. Mice D. Hamsters E. Gerbils and Hamsters F. All of the above

59. True/False: Mice and rats should be feed only at scheduled times.

60. How long is a guinea pigs gestation period? A. 32- 40 Days B. 63-72 Days C. 6 months

Guinea Pigs 61. What Guinea Pig breed is this? A. American B. Abyssinian C. Peruvian

62. To train a rat use… Food Toys Wheel Verbal communication

63. True or False: Class Mammalia has a neocortex in the brain that regulates body temperatures.

64. To pick up a Guinea Pig, place hand around_______ and support _______.(2 Answers) A. C. B. D.

65. A young mouse or rat is a… Pup Kit Sow Vitamin C

66. True/False: Hamsters eat 𝟑 𝟒 oz a day.

67. How many babies, on average, are in a litter of hamsters? C. 6-8

68. Which one is the male rat? B A C D

69. Why do you have to support a guinea pig’s back. A. They are jumpy 69. Why do you have to support a guinea pig’s back? A. They are jumpy B. Their spine is delicate C. Because they are big

70. Which of the following occasionally develop respiratory infections? A. Mice B. Hamsters C. Guinea Pigs E. All of the above

71. What is taxonomy? Scientific Classification The study of taxidermy The study of taxes in the economy The study of classifying maps

72. Name the breed A) Chinese hamster B) Syrian hamster

73. True or false? This is a female mouse.

74. When is maturity reached for a guinea pig? A. 3-4 Months B. 6-8 Months C.10-12 Months

75. Which of the following look sick?

GUINEA PIGS 76. True/false: Guinea Pigs need fresh water once a week

MICE/RATS 77. Mice and Rats are generally fed all of these except_______ A. Seeds B. Fruits C. Ad lib D. Flies

78. What is a female rat called? A)Doe B)Buck C)Rat D)Pup

79. Which of the following rarely develop internal parasites? A. Guinea Pigs B. Cats C. Mice D. Hamsters E. All of the above

80. True/False: Hamsters store food in the holes that they dig in the ground.

81. What object(s) can be used to pick up a mouse? A Can or Cup A Box A Glove A Towel

82. Rats naturally trust people? True or False

83. You should never hold a ______ by the tail? Guinea Pig Mouse Rat Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka

84. What kinds of toy’s should be placed in with a hamster? a. toy bells b. ping pong ball c. toy rope d. exercise wheel

85. How long is a hamster’s gestation period. A. 12 days B. 102 days C 85. How long is a hamster’s gestation period? A. 12 days B. 102 days C. 99 days D. 16 days E. 18 days F.21days

86. A happy rat will… Chatter & squeak Whip tail Bite Running

87. True or False: Family Cavidae is the largest family of mammals.

Mice/rats 88. What food makes up the largest percentage of what mice and rats snack on? Seeds Commercial pellets Cats Spiders

89. What age is maturity reached in mice? A. 1 year old B. 8-10 weeks C. 4-6 weeks

90. True or False You have to wake up hamsters because they are fear biters.

91. Animal Terms A: Mouse/Rat a: Cavy B: Intact male mouse or rat b: Kit C: Intact female mouse or rat c: Sire D: Young mouse or rat d:Boar E: Guinea Pig e: Dam (Not made by beavers) F: Intact male guinea pig f: Murine G: Intact female guinea pig g: Sow H: Young guinea pig h: Pup

92. Rodents (Murines) a: White with black or brown on their head. b: Where males urinate c: Nose d: Cancerous e: Able to be fed whenever they please. f: Sleep during day and hunt at night g:Non-cancerous A: Snout B: Ad Lib C: Nocturnal D: Benign E: Penile area F: Hooded G:Malignant

93. Guinea Pigs a: Medicine applied to the skin or coat. b: The process of going into a long sleep where the body system slows down c: Open area in the cheeks to store food d: Tunnel to food for later use e: A vitamin guinea pigs cannot produce f: Kill/eat their own species g: Protects itself from danger h: Long teeth in the upper and low jaw A: Cheek Pouch B: Incisors C: Burrow D: Hibernate E: Defensive Reaction F: Cannibalism G: Topical H: Vitamin C

94. PICTURES! This growth is non cancerous, what is it? These little guys are baby rats, what is their official name? These are large teeth on a guinea pig, what are they called? This pocket pet has little storage areas in his mouth, what are the storage areas called?

95. More Pictures! This type of medication is applied to the skin. A: Topical B: Intramuscular C: Subcutaneous D: Intranasal Most pocket pets should be fed _________. A: Sparingly B: Every Morning C: Never, let them starve D: Ad-Lib

EX 5. What is the term for when an animal is active from dusk to dawn? Nocturnal Diurnal Matutinal Crepuscular

EX 6. What is the predominant characteristic of the Order Carnivora? Claws The eat plants Canine teeth The eat meat

EX 7. Which characteristic defines the Family Mustelidae? Long, thin bodies Anal scent glands (they are stinky) Tails Pointed teeth