Starter: Put these sentences into order to represent your own views Jadore Bracknell Je naime pas le foot Jadore aller au cinéma Jaime le roller Je naime.


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Presentation transcript:

Starter: Put these sentences into order to represent your own views Jadore Bracknell Je naime pas le foot Jadore aller au cinéma Jaime le roller Je naime pas les photos Je déteste le pizza Jadore le rugby Jaime le gitarre The statement you MOST agree with goes first!

Jadore Jaime Je naime pas Je déteste aller faire manger voir jouer I love I like I dont like I hate to go to do to eat to see jouer Todays Key Words Todays Objective: 1.Saying what you like and dont like 2.Using infinitives correctly

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Ipcasfairecosdkallercpsocopainssasoducvskjde sksrockdfjscmsvaimecndoadorecacepwpasvc mmagasinsocwocauxjswkcamisslkfphotoscms ovmrollersfmwoprendrecsowecaveclrfavoirsd okmatchsfowefmkaucmsretrouvercegalmesks vconcertsiflafcvctucccvmtesdjcomonumentsv

Buzzword Bingo Draw a grid, 2x3 I am going to read 3 sentences from todays lesson. You need to predict 6 words that I am going to use. Write one word in each box