1st & 2nd Samuel Dig Site 1 Blue Level Questions.


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Presentation transcript:

1st & 2nd Samuel Dig Site 1 Blue Level Questions

What did Elkanah do year after year in Shiloh? (1:3) 1.Visited family 2.Farmed his brother’s land 3.Offered sacrifices and worshiped the Lord 4.All of the above

What did Elkanah do year after year in Shiloh? (1:3) 1.Visited family 2.Farmed his brother’s land 3.Offered sacrifices and worshiped the Lord 4.All of the above

How many portions of meat did Elkanah give Peninnah? (1:4) 1.Enough for her and her sons and daughters 2.A double portion for her alone 3.Double portions for her and her children 4.Triple portions

How many portions of meat did Elkanah give Peninnah? (1:4) 1.Enough for her and her sons and daughters 2.A double portion for her alone 3.Double portions for her and her children 4.Triple portions

How many portions of meat did Elkanah give Hannah? (1:5) 1.A single portion 2.A double portion 3.A triple portion 4.Nothing

How many portions of meat did Elkanah give Hannah? (1:5) 1.A single portion 2.A double portion 3.A triple portion 4.Nothing

Why did Hannah’s rival provoke her? (1:6) 1.She wanted a double portion. 2.Her rival could not have children. 3.Hannah could not have children. 4.All of the above.

Why did Hannah’s rival provoke her? (1:6) 1.She wanted a double portion. 2.Her rival could not have children. 3.Hannah could not have children. 4.All of the above.

What did Hannah do after they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh (1:9- 10) 1.Got up to pray 2.Left the sanctuary 3.Went for a long walk 4.Babysat Peninnah’s children

What did Hannah do after they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh (1:9- 10) 1.Got up to pray 2.Left the sanctuary 3.Went for a long walk 4.Babysat Peninnah’s children

What did Hannah promise the Lord if He would give her a son? (1:11) 1.She would give him to the Lord after he turned She would give him to the Lord and never use a razor on his head. 3.She would help him become a priest. 4.All of the above.

What did Hannah promise the Lord if He would give her a son? (1:11) 1.She would give him to the Lord after he turned She would give him to the Lord and never use a razor on his head. 3.She would help him become a priest. 4.All of the above.

What did Eli do while Hannah was praying? (1:12) 1.Walked to another room 2.Prayed with her 3.Anointed her head with oil 4.Watched her mouth

What did Eli do while Hannah was praying? (1:12) 1.Walked to another room 2.Prayed with her 3.Anointed her head with oil 4.Watched her mouth

What did Eli think as he watched Hannah pray? (1:12-13) 1.That Hannah was sleeping 2.That Hannah was being too loud 3.That Hannah was drunk 4.That Hannah was too quiet

What did Eli think as he watched Hannah pray? (1:12-13) 1.That Hannah was sleeping 2.That Hannah was being too loud 3.That Hannah was drunk 4.That Hannah was too quiet

How was Hannah praying? (1:13) 1.In her heart 2.Her lips were moving 3.Her voice was not heard 4.All of the above

How was Hannah praying? (1:13) 1.In her heart 2.Her lips were moving 3.Her voice was not heard 4.All of the above

What did Hannah tell Eli after he accused her of being drunk? (1:15-16) 1.“I am a woman who is deeply troubled.” 2.“I was pouring out my soul to the Lord.” 3.“I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief.” 4.All of the above

What did Hannah tell Eli after he accused her of being drunk? (1:15-16) 1.“I am a woman who is deeply troubled.” 2.“I was pouring out my soul to the Lord.” 3.“I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief.” 4.All of the above

What did Eli tell Hannah in response to her prayer? (1:17) 1.“I don’t know what God will do for you.” 2.“May the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.” 3.“I don’t believe you.” 4.“God will give you a daughter.”

What did Eli tell Hannah in response to her prayer? (1:17) 1.“I don’t know what God will do for you.” 2.“May the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.” 3.“I don’t believe you.” 4.“God will give you a daughter.”

What happened the morning after Hannah prayed in the house of the Lord? (1:19) 1.Hannah and Elkanah got up. 2.They “worshiped before the Lord.” 3.Hannah and Elkanah went back to Ramah. 4.All of the above

What happened the morning after Hannah prayed in the house of the Lord? (1:19) 1.Hannah and Elkanah got up. 2.They “worshiped before the Lord.” 3.Hannah and Elkanah went back to Ramah. 4.All of the above

What did Hannah name her son? (1:20) 1.Daniel 2.Eli 3.Samuel 4.Hophni

What did Hannah name her son? (1:20) 1.Daniel 2.Eli 3.Samuel 4.Hophni

Why did Hannah name her son Samuel? (1:20) 1.Because Eli told her to name him Samuel 2.Because she asked the Lord for him 3.Because it was the name of Elkanah’s father 4.Because it was Elkanah’s middle name

Why did Hannah name her son Samuel? (1:20) 1.Because Eli told her to name him Samuel 2.Because she asked the Lord for him 3.Because it was the name of Elkanah’s father 4.Because it was Elkanah’s middle name

When was Hannah going to present Samuel before the Lord? (1:22) 1.When he turned 12 2.When he was walking 3.When he turned 18 4.When he was weaned

When was Hannah going to present Samuel before the Lord? (1:22) 1.When he turned 12 2.When he was walking 3.When he turned 18 4.When he was weaned

How long was Samuel going to live in the house of the Lord? (1:22) 1.For 18 years 2.Until the Lord spoke to him 3.Forever 4.For 12 years

How long was Samuel going to live in the house of the Lord? (1:22) 1.For 18 years 2.Until the Lord spoke to him 3.Forever 4.For 12 years

What sacrifice did Hannah take with her and Samuel? (1:24) 1.A three-year-old bull 2.An ephah of flour 3.A skin of wine 4.All of the above

What sacrifice did Hannah take with her and Samuel? (1:24) 1.A three-year-old bull 2.An ephah of flour 3.A skin of wine 4.All of the above

Under whom did Samuel minister? (2:11) 1.Eli the priest 2.Elkanah 3.Hophni 4.Phinehas

Under whom did Samuel minister? (2:11) 1.Eli the priest 2.Elkanah 3.Hophni 4.Phinehas

Finish this verse: “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their …” (1 Peter 3:12) 1.“… prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” 2.“… cry, but he does not listen to those who do evil.” 3.“… prayer, but he is mean to those who don’t do good.” 4.“… cry. He answers their prayers.”

Finish this verse: “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their …” (1 Peter 3:12) 1.“… prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” 2.“… cry, but he does not listen to those who do evil.” 3.“… prayer, but he is mean to those who don’t do good.” 4.“… cry. He answers their prayers.”