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2 weeks ago: Seeing God in history... 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

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Presentation on theme: "2 weeks ago: Seeing God in history... 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2 weeks ago: Seeing God in history... 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3:16-17 Key point: GOD is at the centre of all history He is in charge! He is good! He is looking for relationship He never gives up on His people

2 Seeing the big story... CreationFallRedemptionNew Creation The story (of Israel) so far... People loose their way “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit” Judges 21:25 But God is Faithful... God calls Abram & makes covenant God rescues his people God gives them His law God leads them to promised land How will God rescue his people now? Who will he start with to transform the situation?

3 An unlikely beginning... a desperate woman 1 Sam 1:1-8 1 Elkanah lived in Ramah, a town in the hill country of Ephraim. His great-great- grandfather was Zuph, so Elkanah was a member of the Zuph clan of the Ephraim tribe. Elkanah’s father was Jeroham, his grandfather was Elihu, and his great- grandfather was Tohu. 2 Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Although Peninnah had children, Hannah did not have any. 3 Once a year Elkanah travelled from his hometown to Shiloh, where he worshiped the L ORD All-Powerful and offered sacrifices. Eli was the L ORD ’s priest there, and his two sons Hophni and Phinehas served with him as priests. 4 Whenever Elkanah offered a sacrifice, he gave some of the meat to Peninnah and some to each of her sons and daughters. 5 But he gave Hannah even more, because he loved Hannah very much, even though the L ORD had kept her from having children of her own. 6 Peninnah liked to make Hannah feel miserable about not having any children, 7 especially when the family went to the house of the L ORD each year. One day, Elkanah was there offering a sacrifice, when Hannah began crying and refused to eat. 8 So Elkanah asked, “Hannah, why are you crying? Why won’t you eat? Why do you feel so bad? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?”

4 How the story turns around... Hannah’s Prayer1 Sam 1:9-18 Hannah’s Promise 1 Sam 1:19-28 (& 2:18-21) Hannah’s Praise1 Sam 2:1-11 Prayer: God welcomes us freely in His presence We can trust God with our feelings & troubles! Promise: God is looking for our response to Him We must trust God with all he gives us! Praise: God is good – especially to those brought low We can trust God for the big things on the basis of what he has done in the small things

5 progressive steps How does a desperate woman change the world? BY TRUSTING GOD How does God want to stretch your trust of Him this week?

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