The Root –pli- By: Amandla, Çemil, Laila & Malika.


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Presentation transcript:

The Root –pli- By: Amandla, Çemil, Laila & Malika

Complicity Noun meaning… Involvement as an accomplice in a crime or wrongdoing.


Deploy Verb meaning… 1.To position troops or people strategically or systematically 2.To put into use or action As a noun: deployment


Explicate Verb meaning… To explain; to make clear the meaning of something As an adjective: explicable As a noun: explication


Explicit Adjective meaning… 1.Fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied 2.Readily observable


Implicate Verb meaning… 1.To involve or connect intimately or incriminatingly 2.To have as a consequence; to entail As a noun: implication


Implicit Adjective meaning… 1.Implied or understood though not directly expressed 2.Unquestioning; without doubt or reservation As a noun: implication


Inexplicable Adjective meaning… Difficult or impossible to explain or account for


Replica Noun meaning… 1.A copy or reproduction of a work of art, especially one made by the original artist 2.A copy or reproduction of a work, especially one that is smaller than the original As a verb: replicate


Supple Adjective meaning… 1.Easily bent; limber; pliant 2.Changing or yielding readily; compliant; adaptable As a noun: suppleness


Supplicant Noun meaning… A person who asks, prays, or begs humbly and earnestly As a verb: supplicate As a noun: supplication
