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English III - Vocabulary Lesson 5

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1 English III - Vocabulary Lesson 5
anagram inexplicable assertion noncommittal coherent proboscis fulminate quixotic goad surmise

2 anagram Noun A word formed from another word by changing the order of the letters

3 assertion Noun a claim or declaration

4 coherent Adjective logically connected; consistent; clearly expressed

5 fulminate Verb to talk or argue violently and loudly

6 goad Noun – a prod for driving cattle; anything that drives or urges
Verb – to prod into action; to urge

7 inexplicable Adjective Impossible to explain or understand

8 noncommittal Adjective
Indecisive; not committing to any one position or course of action

9 proboscis Noun the long snout of an animal; a nose, especially a prominent one

10 quixotic Adjective impractically idealistic; marked by a romantic notion of ideas and deeds

11 surmise Verb – to guess or suppose
Noun – a guess based on little evidence

12 English III - Vocabulary Lesson 6
anecdote forte climactic hypochondriac epilogue prodigy extemporaneous staunch fidelity stigma

13 anecdote Noun a brief, entertaining account of an interesting incident

14 climactic Adjective The highest point; most intense part of a story or event

15 epilogue Noun the end of a literary work; speech at the end of a play

16 extemporaneous Adjective
done with little or no preparation; unrehearsed

17 fidelity Noun loyalty, faithfulness; accuracy (in reproduction of something)

18 forte Noun something that someone does very well; a strong point, strength

19 hypochondriac Noun A person who imagines he/she is sick

20 prodigy Noun a person with extraordinary talents, especially a highly gifted child

21 staunch Adjective – loyal, steadfast; strong or solid; water-tight
Verb – to stop the flow of something (blood, etc.)

22 stigma Noun A mark of shame; a stain

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