Waterdown Road Corridor Class Environmental Assessment (Phase 3 & 4) Community Services Committee May 9, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Waterdown Road Corridor Class Environmental Assessment (Phase 3 & 4) Community Services Committee May 9, 2012

Background Process and Public Consultation Discussion on Sections of Waterdown Road Next Steps Report Recommendations Outline

Background In June 2002, The Provincial Cabinet approved Official Plan Amendment (OPA) No. 28. This approval brought lands into the Waterdown urban boundary Condition of OPA No.28: Transportation Study be jointly funded and conducted by: the Cities of Hamilton and Burlington

Waterdown /Aldershot Transportation Master Plan: Feb Waterdown/Aldershot Transportation Master Plan completed by Cities of Hamilton and Burlington and Region of Halton Master Plan provided basis for future investigations, specifically Environmental Assessment projects Background

Recommended Transportation Network

Enter Presentation Name Environmental Assessment Study Phases 1 & 2: Phase 1 - June 2005: Additional east-west capacity needed in the overall transportation network in Waterdown North and East / Burlington area (ie: Dundas St to Hwy 6) Additional north-south capacity needed in the overall transportation network in Waterdown/Aldershot/Burlington area Phase 2 - Feb 2008 Phase 2 Report identified series of next steps to implement its recommendations, including undertakings for Phase 3 and 4 of Municipal Class EA process for Schedule C Projects. Recommended Schedule C projects: New East-West Corridor EA (Dundas St to Hwy 6) Waterdown Road Corridor EA Both projects to be completed concurrently Background

The Process and Public Consultation 1.Environmental Assessment Process: Phase 1: Identify Problems Phase 2: Alternative Solutions Document alternative solutions and potential environmental effects, evaluate alternative solutions to problems. Phase 3: Alternative Design Concepts Identify alternative ways to design the project, evaluate and identify preferred design concept Phase 4: EA Documentation Prepare Environmental Study Report (ESR), place ESR on public record for minimum of 30 calendar days for review. Notify public and review agencies of the opportunity to review ESR. 2.Public Information Centres held during Phase 3: June 24th, 2008, Waterdown and June 26th 2008, Aldershot Nov 5th 2008, Waterdown and Nov 6th, 2008, Aldershot

Hamilton Council approved ESR filing February 2010 Burlington Council directed staff to hold additional PIC for Waterdown Road residents – March 2010 Since March 2010: Ministry of Natural Resources requests additional information on species at risk and additional studies (studies undertaken in 2010 – 2011) Conservation Halton requests additional analysis concerning proposed retaining wall at Flatt Road and tree replacement strategy (Geotechnical investigation completed ) Finalization of cost sharing agreement The Process and Public Consultation

Discussion on Sections of Waterdown Road Corridor

Section W1 Location: Waterdown Road, Southern Section Preferred Design: 1.Roadway shifted as far to the West as possible, 4 lanes (3 lanes initially) 2.Installation of a retaining wall is recommended along the East side. Multi-Use Path to the West 3.Reduced design speed of 60 km/h (50 km/h posted) Waterdown Road Cross-Section

Location: Waterdown Road, Mid-section Preferred Design: 1.Follow the existing alignment of road but shift the road further away from the residences on the east side of Waterdown Rd 2.4 lanes (3 lanes initially) with reduced design speed 3.Multi-Use Path to the west and sidewalk on the east side Section W2

Section W3 Location: Waterdown Road, Northern Section Preferred Design: 1.An alignment that basically positions the new road footprint at the centre of the existing road. 2.4 lanes (3 lanes initially) with reduced design speed 3.Multi-Use Pathway to the West. Waterdown Road Cross-Section

Location: Waterdown Road/Mountain Brow road intersection Preferred Design: 1.A conventional intersection (including traffic signals) was selected as preferred alternative. Intersection Section W4

Next Steps Council approval to file Environmental Study Report (ESR) Place the ESR on public record for 45 calendar days for review Notify public and review agencies of the opportunity to review ESR Proceed to Phase 5: Detailed Design and Implementation following approval of phases 3 and 4 of EA o Produce detailed design drawings and public consultation 2013 o Property purchases 2013/2014 o Construction of project 2015/2016 o Monitor for environmental impacts

Approve the draft Environmental Study Report (ESR) dated April 2012 by Dillon Consulting Ltd. documenting the completion of Phase 3 and 4 of the Class Environmental Assessment for the widening of Waterdown Road between the North Service Road and Mountain Brow Road for finalization and public posting. Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the cost sharing legal agreement between the City of Burlington and the City of Hamilton included as Appendix “A” in report TS Staff Report Recommendations