Cluster 30 – 31 October 2013 Jakarta- Indonesia. 652,000 sqkm Indian Sub- continent (east); Central Asia (north), Middle East (west) Mostly mountainous.


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Presentation transcript:

Cluster 30 – 31 October 2013 Jakarta- Indonesia

652,000 sqkm Indian Sub- continent (east); Central Asia (north), Middle East (west) Mostly mountainous Population: 26 million (5.7 million urban)

 Prolonged drought/dryness  Seasonal Flash Floods  Earthquake  Land Slides  Avalanches  Conflict with Displacement

 Rolled out in 2008 – 21 partners  Deputy leads:- DACAAR- OXFAM- OHW (short time)  Now: 51 members - co-leadership (UNICEF lead- MRRD and DACAAR as co-leads)  Progress o Response: 2012  Safe drinking water: 700,000 against target of 1.4 million  Hygiene and Sanitation promotion : 1,000,000 people ( target 1.4 million).  2013 SRP ◦ 1.7 million, reached so far to 900,000 people

 Strategic Focus 1: linkages  Strategic Focus 2: Transition  Strategic Focus 3: Sub-National coordination in the light of transition  Strategic Focus 4: Information management  Strategic Focus 5: Capacity building & response  Strategic Focus 6: Planning  Strategic Focus 7: Advocacy, fund mobilization, M&E  Strategic Focus 8: Promote standards  Strategic Focus 9: Promote Cross-Cutting Issues

 MIS/GIS  Capacity development  Need and vulnerability analysis  Atlas for IM - on the response site  Long Term Strategic Objectives/Priorities  Gender checklist and guidelines

 Turn-over of staff  Up-grade Capacity  Funding  Effective partnership at the regional level  Promoting standardization  Updating documents (IACP, etc)

 Funding Total Planned: $ 26,000,000 Received –August 2013 :$ 16 Mil (60%)  Donors Japan, CERF : SIDA and ECHO (DACAAR only), Denmark, UNICEF Thematic fund, ERF

WASH Cluster Transition to Sector WSG-MRRD Cluster National Architecture

 HC proposed review of cluster structures 2012  Options discussed in WASH cluster and proposed transition. Was endorsed by HCT  Framework and concept by UNICEF in 2012  Timeframe (subjected to a review) on Dec  The transition process started based on co-leadership between UNICEF/MRRD/DACAAR  DACAAR introduced representative from co-lead  MRRD assigned a FP  MOU prepared for signing between Lead and co-leads  Plan of action on transition and implementation

 Capacities building on Humanitarian Reform and Cluster Approach  Political will on transition encouraging  Focal persons on the Co-lead sides assigned  Regional joint visits held to prepare regions for transition  Joint planning for the appeals (CHAP)  Information management.  Revised WSG TOR

Challenges  Further Capacity Development  Transition period may be extended  OCHA Support Risk:  Changes in the Government– MOU

Thank you