ProjectUnit 1 Telling a mysterious story Teaching procedures Lead-in Skimming Further understanding Careful reading Production presenting Summary Homework.


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Presentation transcript:

ProjectUnit 1 Telling a mysterious story Teaching procedures Lead-in Skimming Further understanding Careful reading Production presenting Summary Homework 江苏省句容高级中学 严玲

Revision&Brainstorming The most beautiful thing one can experience is mysteries. They are truly the basis of all arts and sciences. Albert Einstein

Mysteries unsolved

Himalayas the highest mountain range in the world Yeti Abominable Snowman Half-man and half-beast

Q1:How much do you know about this creature?

The Yeti or Abominable Snowman, also called the “missing link” (推想中从类人猿发展到人类 之间的过渡生物), is said to be a humanlike monster that is supposed to live in Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world. Several sightings, mainly of footprints, have been reported by western explorers throughout the years. Yet none of them have been supported with evidence in any way.

Q2:What else would you like to know about it?

Listening Listen to the tape and then skim the passage to answer some questions. Know more about the Yeti