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Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained Thinking 1. In your opinion, what is the most beautiful things one can experience? 2. Why? 3. Have you heard of any unexplained.

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2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained

3 Thinking 1. In your opinion, what is the most beautiful things one can experience? 2. Why? 3. Have you heard of any unexplained things? 4. Can scientists explain these phenomena?

4 The most beautiful thing one can experience is mysteries. They are truly the basis of all arts and sciences. A lbert Einstein

5 A spaceship from another planet? A satellite? A weather balloon? Can’t tell? That’s why it is called a UFO!

6 Have you ever read some reports about UFOs in China? Are you interested in UFOs? Are they really from another planet? What do the letters UFO stand for? Why do you think UFOs visit our planet? UFOs

7 UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. According to some witnesses, it is colorless and moves at a slow, steady speed with little noise.

8 Half-man and half-beast Yeti Abominable Snowman You might run into a Yeti in the Himalayas, or just see a few footprints, but you’d still be lucky!

9 Do you know the Himalayas? What’s the weather like there? A Yeti is reported to be half-man and half-beast. Have you heard of it? Do you think some climbers’ disappearances are connected with Yetis? Yetis

10 The Yeti has been called the ‘missing link’; half-man, half-beast. It is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world---Mount Qomolangma.

11 Crop Circle ( 麦田怪圈 ) Who made them and why?

12 Who built Stonehenge in England and for what reason? No one knows the answer! Stonehenge

13 Have you ever heard or read about the Stonehenge? Are you interested in Stonehenge? Would you be interested in discovering more about them? Stonehenge

14 Being one of Britain’s greatest national icons, it stands for mystery and power. Some people guess that is was a temple for worship. The reason Stonehenge was built remains unknown even today.

15 Loch Ness Lock Ness Monster The Loch Ness Monster in Scotland … Could it be a sunken ship?

16 Have you ever heard of the Loch Ness Monster? Are you interested in it? They are a bit new to me, what about you? The Loch Ness Monster

17 Loch Ness is a big lake in Scotland. Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, was sighted as far back as the 6th century AD.

18 The reason for building the pyramids in Egypt is still unknown even today. Pyramids, Egypt The Sphinx Half human, half lion, the Sphinx is 240 feet long and 66 feet high

19 Which country are the pyramids in? Where were they built, on the east coast of the Nile or on the west coast? Do you think the Great Pyramid is a wonder in human history? How was the Great Pyramid built? The Pyramids

20 The Great Pyramid of Khufu is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and the only one people can visit. It is the greatest of the Egyptian pyramids, which served as burial places for the Pharaohs.

21 Do you believe in the existence of aliens? What does aliens look like in your mind's eye? Have you ever seen the film “E.T.” ?

22 2. If you saw a UFO or a monster some day, what would you do? Discussion 1. Do you believe in unexplained things mentioned above? Why or why not?

23 Useful words and phrases be full of mysteries advanced science and technology a sunken ship run into sth believe in unexplained things know about

24 Go over the content in this lesson. Let them preview the next period, especially the new words in the instructions or requirements but not included in the wordlist. Homework :


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