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The Body’s Response to Stress. What is Stress? Stress is your body’s reaction to the physical and mental demands of daily life.

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Presentation on theme: "The Body’s Response to Stress. What is Stress? Stress is your body’s reaction to the physical and mental demands of daily life."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Body’s Response to Stress

2 What is Stress? Stress is your body’s reaction to the physical and mental demands of daily life.

3 When You Experience Stress: The adrenal gland releases the hormone adrenaline which can have both positive and negative effects.

4 Stages of Stress I. Alarm Stage -Body prepares for immediate confrontation -Helps you reach your goals -Body is alert and focused

5 Alarm Stage- Effects on the body -pupils dilate, hearing sharpens, heart rate increases, digestion slows, breathing increases, muscles tighten (more blood flow)

6 Stages of Stress(cont.) II. Resistance Stage -body tries to return to normal

7 Resistance Stage- Effects on the body - pupils constrict, hearing returns to normal, heart rate decreases, muscles relax (less blood flow)

8 Stages of Stress(cont.) III. Exhaustion Stage Body can no longer sustain its resistance The risk of stress related disease increases

9 Exhaustion Stage- Effects on the Body headaches, depressed immune system, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea, and even death

10 Stress Short term Stress: -Emergency situations -Body changes to help deal with the situation -Body returns to normal after the incident

11 Stress Long term Stress: -Continual problems -Does not help the body adapt to the situation -Stress is not relieved so body doesn’t return to normal

12 Managing Stress: Plan

13 Managing Stress: Talk

14 Managing Stress: Redirect

15 Managing Stress: Relax

16 Managing Stress: Laugh

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