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Brain Gym.

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1 Brain Gym

2 PACE Water Brain Buttons Cross Crawl Hook Ups

3 This involves reading aloud the letters of the alphabet from beginning to end and end to beginning.
Each letter is accompanied by an action – l is a left arm raise, r is a right arm raise and t is both arms together. Alphabet Edit Why do it? Alphabet edit connects left and right brain, helps eye co-ordination and improves visual, auditory and kinaesthetic ability.

4 A B C D E F G l t r r t t l H I J K L M N l r t t r l l O P Q R S T U t t l r t r r V W X Y Z t l l l r

5 With one arm extended in front of you and your thumb pointing upwards trace the shape of a figure eight in the air. The eight should be on its side and as you trace it out in large, slow movements focus you’re your eyes on your thumb. Without moving your head trace out three eights in successively larger movements. Repeat with the other hand and then repeat with both hands clasped together. Lazy Eights “Up to the left and around. Cross the middle and up. Around, down and back to the middle”. Why do it? Lazy eights improve binocular and peripheral vision. It connects right and left visual fields and improves balance and co-ordination. Also helps with reading and long term memory.

6 Cross Crawl Standing begin to march in time.
Raise your knees and alternately touch each knee with your hand. Progressively move your elbows to touch each knee. Cross Crawl Why do it? Cross crawl activates both halves of the brain together. Research suggests it improves co-ordination, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic ability and can improve listening, writing spelling, reading and memory.

7 Inhale deeply through the nose and then exhale through the mouth in short puffs through pursed lips. (Try imagining keeping a feather aloft). Inhale through nose (count of 3) Hold (count of 3) Exhale through nose (count of 3) Repeat Belly Breathing Why do it? Belly breathing improves energy levels and consequently attention span. It helps with reading and speech.

8 Sit with head resting on desk
Sit with head resting on desk. Place hands on desk in line with shoulders, fingers pointing slightly inward. Inhale through the nose – slowly lifting the head, then neck and then upper back as you breath in. Exhale lowering the upper back, then neck and then the head back to the desk. Repeat three times. The Energiser Keep the shoulders relaxed Why do it? The energiser helps improve breathing, posture and consequently improves concentration and attention span. It is good for visual, tactile kinaesthetic and auditory learning

Stroop Say the colour that you see… Not the word that you see! YELLOW GREEN RED GREEN RED RED BLACK BLUE RED BLUE RED BLACK YELLOW BLUE GREEN BLACK Why do it? Stroop activates both halves of the brain together. Research suggests it improves co-ordination, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic ability and can improve listening, writing spelling, reading and memory.

10 Stroop This time… Say the word that you see…
Not the colour that you see! Why do it? Stroop activates both halves of the brain together. Research suggests it improves co-ordination, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic ability and can improve listening, writing spelling, reading and memory.

11 red

12 blue

13 black

14 yellow

15 green

16 blue

17 red

18 black

19 black

20 red

21 yellow

22 green

23 blue

24 green

25 red

26 red


28 Congratulations you made it!
You are ready for learning!

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