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Math Skills and Anxiety Managing Math Effectively.

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1 Math Skills and Anxiety Managing Math Effectively

2 Math Study Skills Be actively involved in the learning process: Take responsibility for studying. Attend class every day and take complete notes. Be an active participant in the classroom. Ask questions in class! Go to office hours and ask questions. Practice good study habits throughout the semester.

3 Math Study Skills Understand that studying for math is different from other subjects: Math is learned by doing problems. Each math class builds on the previous lesson so keep up. Each math class builds on the previous lesson so you are always reviewing previous material.

4 Math Study Skills Study Time: A general rule is to study at least 2 hours for every hour spent in class, for a math class this will likely be more. Take as much time as you need to do all homework. Form a study group and meet once or twice a week. The more challenging the material, the more time should be spent on it.

5 Note Taking Tips for Math Write down the title of the lesson Write down the math problem and each step in the solution using math symbols. Write down a question mark next to anything you don’t understand. Before starting the homework highlight the titles you have written in your notes. Do all homework problems.

6 Problem Solving Tips on problem solving: Apply Polya’s four- step process: Understand the problem. Devise a plan. Carry out a plan. Look back. Some problem- solving strategies: Use one or more variables Look for a pattern Draw a picture or diagram Solve an equation Use reasoning

7 Problem Solving Solving applied word problems: Convert the problem into mathematics Solve the math problem that you have generated Convert the answer of your math problem back into words

8 Studying for a Math Test Good study habits throughout the semester make it easier come test time: Do the homework when it is assigned While completing homework, make a lists of formulas and techniques to use on the test. Ask your Instructor questions as they arise instead of waiting until the day before or of the test.

9 Studying for a Math Test Studying for a test: Start by going over each section by reviewing notes and working the problems to be sure that you can still remember how to do them. Put yourself in a test-like situation by working the review problems at the end of chapters. Start studying early. Get lots of sleep the night before the test.

10 Taking a Math Test When taking the test: Look over the entire test. Do the problems in the order that suits you. Work as quickly and continuously as you can. Show all of your work. Never waste time erasing. In a multiple-step problem outline the steps before working the problem. Read the questions carefully and do all parts. Verify your answers. If you finish early check every problem.

11 Getting Math Assistance The time to get assistance in math is NOW! You should get it as soon as you need it. Don’t wait until test time to get help. Remember Tutoring is free and you can also utilize the Math Lab.

12 Math Anxiety Do you have math anxiety? Complete the self test. Check your score.

13 Math Anxiety Symptoms: Hyperventilation. Holding your breath Sweating profusely Panic Paranoia Avoidance Feelings of guilt Nausea Blocking out

14 Math Anxiety The real sources Negative classroom experiences. Pressure or ridicule from family or classmates. Poor math attitude. Insufficient preparation.

15 Math Anxiety Tips to reduce anxiety: Ask questions. Practice, practice, practice! Read the text, take good notes, do the problems. Admit that you need assistance. Get assistance! Overcome negative self talk. Study in a conducive learning environment. Find your learning style - http://www.vark- Complete the Questionnaire to find your learning style and tips.

16 Additional Study Materials

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