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英美概况一 A Brief Introduction to Britain and America I 外国语学院英语系 刘丽芳 13930032820

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1 英美概况一 A Brief Introduction to Britain and America I 外国语学院英语系 刘丽芳 13930032820 511309815@

2 Handan College 2 Unit 3 The Government of the United Kingdom

3 Handan College  The term was first used in 1236: the gathering of feudal barons and representatives from counties and towns History of the Parliament:

4 Handan College Parliament  the Great Council: leading, wealthy barons + representatives of counties, etc. People who were representatives of communities summoned "by name” (the House of Commons) (the House of Lords)

5 Handan College 5 Parliament Today Main Contents 1. Functions 2. Status 3. Institutions The Monarchy The House of Lords The House of Commons

6 Handan College The House of Parliament

7 Handan College The House of Parliament

8 Handan College 8 1. Functions 1) It passed laws, which is the most important one. 2) It provides the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation. 3) It scrutinizes 仔细检查 government policy, administration 执行 and expenditure. 4) It debates 讨论 the major issues of the day.

9 Handan College 2. Status  Parliament is supreme in the British State  1) It alone can change the terms of the Constitution.  2) There are no legal restrains upon Parliament. It can make or change laws, change or overturn established conventions or even prolong its own life without consulting 商议 the electorate. 全体选民 9

10 Handan College 3. Institutions  The Monarchy  The House of Lords  The House of Commons 10

11 Handan College  The Monarchy  1) Roles  Primary role: to symbolize the tradition and unity of the British State  Roles according to the constitution:

12 Handan College  The Monarchy  Roles according to the constitution: a.the head of the executives integral part of the legislature 立法 机关 c.head of the judiciary 司法部 d.commander in chief of the armed forces e.“supreme governor” of the Church of England

13 Handan College  The Monarchy  1) Roles  A less well known role:  a confidante 知心女友 to the Prime Minister  2) While the Crown is independently wealth, much of the financial support for the royal family comes from the taxpayers.

14 Handan College  The House of Lords  1) Lords are below the Crown, and are usually called peers 贵族.  2) Compositions  the Lords Spiritual 神职议员 : the Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England  the Lords Temporal 贵族议员 : everyone else

15 Handan College  The House of Lords  3) How they get the position  inherent from their fathers  appointed by the sovereign at the suggestion of the Prime Minister (This group are called life peers.)  As they are not elected, they are not considered to represent anyone besides themselves and do not receive salaries.

16 Handan College The House of Lords

17 Handan College

18  The House of Commons  1) Here is the real center of British political life.  2) Compositions:  about 650 MPs who represent voters in a particular area, known as a constituency 选区(的全体选民) or seat.  3) They receive a salary and can be reelected a limitless number of times.

19 Handan College The House of Commons  It is the real center of British political life which consists of about 650 Members of Parliament (MPs) elected by the people to represent them.  These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should make and debate policy in the interests of the people who vote for them.

20 Handan College The House of Commons

21 Handan College

22 Group Discussion 1  To give a structure of the British Parliament. 22

23 Handan College The Structure of Parliament The House of Lords House of Commons Lords Spiritual Lords Temporal 神职议员 贵族议员 Hereditary Peers Life Peers five ranks Duke 公爵, Marquis 侯爵 Earl 伯爵, Viscount 子爵 Baron 男爵. Appointed by the sovereign, Created in 1958 Two archbishops of Canterbury and York 24 diocesan 教区 bishops 650 Members ( elected by people)

24 Handan College Review  Prime Minister and the Cabinet  The birth of the Cabinet  The birth of the Prime Minister

25 Handan College  Birth of Cabinet  To ensure good relations between Crown and Parliament, the Monarchy met regularly a group of important Members of Parliament (MPs), who became known as Cabinet.

26 Handan College Cabinet  The Cabinet is composed of the heads of the most important departments. It is the Prime Minister who decides which minister will be included.  The Cabinet meets regularly, usually once a week, in one of the rooms in the Prime Minister’s official residence, No. 10 Downing street.

27 Handan College No. 10 Downing Street

28 Handan College  Birth of Prime Minister  In 1714, King George I left the job of chairing cabinet meeting to one of his ministers who later came to be called Prime Minster.  In 1823, popular election replaced the Monarchy appointing system in choosing the House of Commons.

29 Handan College  In order to represent policies and ideas to the electorate 全体选民 for approval, MPs assembled themselves in groups which eventually became political parties.  The Prime Minister is the leader of the party that wins most votes in the general election and appointed by the monarch after election.

30 Handan College  The Prime Minister is head of the cabinet as well as of the government.  The Prime Minister lives and works in his official residence, No. 10 Downing Street in a small street off Whitehall 怀特霍尔.

31 Handan College The Prime Minister

32 Handan College 10 Downing Street( 唐宁街 )

33 Handan College Group Discussion 2  To give a conclusion of the British government.  the Prime Minister; the Cabinet; the Parliament; the Queen. 33

34 Handan College Homework Presentation Group ?: the political parties — an overview 34


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