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Do Now: What would you bring with you to the afterlife?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: What would you bring with you to the afterlife?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: What would you bring with you to the afterlife?

2 Aim: How did religious beliefs shape the lives of Egyptians?

3 I) All cycles of life followed the flow of the Nile. Including religious practices a. Egyptian religion beliefs were based on their understanding of the changing seasons of the Nile. 1. The Cult Osiris 2. Believed like the Nile there is life, death and rebirth. 3. Followed moral codes so one can finally enter into the afterlife

4 4. Afterlife was a continuation of the way of life they had in Egypt. A. Egyptians believed their life on earth was enjoyable.

5 B. The Preparation of Death 1) The preparation of the afterlife was very important for the Egyptians. 2) Often buried the dead with objects they believed they would need in the afterlife.

6 3) First they had to find their way to the underworld a. Burial sites had written descriptions of the way to underworld b. The Book of the Dead was painted in the walls of the tombs.

7 C. the book showed you how to navigate into the underworld. D. helped you prepare for your questions.


9 5. Show how moral you are by: A. Answering riddles Weighing heart to feather 6. Prepared body for mummification because believed the soul will return to the body. a. The more wealthy the better ways of mummification.




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