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Nutrients By: Kristian Galloway, Tomas Rios, Lexie Stinnett, Zoe Lusky.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrients By: Kristian Galloway, Tomas Rios, Lexie Stinnett, Zoe Lusky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrients By: Kristian Galloway, Tomas Rios, Lexie Stinnett, Zoe Lusky


3 What Are some Nutrients? The 6 most important Nutrients we need are Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Water and Carbohydrates. A nutrient is a chemical that an organism needs to live and grow.


5 Carbohydrates Helps water your body, so your body wont get dehydrated. Provides 4 calories per grams.


7 Proteins Forms Antibodies to fight off infections Its important for hormones and enzymes. And its important for the growth of young people and pregnant women.


9 Fats Provides 9 calories per gram. Supplies essential fatty acids.

10 Vitamins Most Vitamins convert into energy The other vitamin help maintain your body functions like skin, nails, eyes and many more functions.

11 Minerals Minerals are also an important part of our body’s function. They help us maintain our health and you must have minerals for vitamins to function.

12 Water Drink a minimum of 8 cups of water daily. Water is the most essential nutrient the body needs. 55-75 % of the body is made of water

13 Other interesting Facts 2,500 calories per day for men (more if you are very active) 2,000 calories per day for women (more if you are very active) Some other ways to stay healthy are by eating breakfast, Eat vegetables, exercise 20 to 60 mines five times a week.

14 Bibliography 9IYPL1fruits.jpg photos/VegFruits.jpg Leads/ Vegetable.jpg _and_vegetables2.jpg /ency/fullsize/19816.jpg

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