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Classroom Expectations Introduction to English 11A Ms. Foley Room 255.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Expectations Introduction to English 11A Ms. Foley Room 255."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Expectations Introduction to English 11A Ms. Foley Room 255

2 Do Now Please fill out an index card with the following information:  Your name  Your nickname if you have one and you preferred to be called by it  Your email  Your parent’s name (just one is fine)  Your parents email  Do you have a job? If so how many hours do you work per week?  Goals for this semester?  How do you feel about English?

3 Do Now Continued Please flip the index card over and fill out the following information:  School activities (sports, clubs, etc.) How often do you practice/meet? What days?  Favorite movie?  Favorite book?  Favorite song?  Tell me something interesting about you.  Anything else I should know?

4 Who am I? I’m Ms. Foley! My office is room 255 I am after school on Mondays My contact information is

5 What will we be doing? American Literature!  More specifically Ethan Frome The Old Man and the Sea Realism and Naturalism Romanticism Something Wicked this Way Comes Transcendentalism The Great Gatsby The Catcher in the Rye

6 Why should you care? This course is designed to help you understand seminal American philosophies. Some questions for you:  What are common American ideals?  How has America changed in its brief history?  How is American democracy reflected in literature?  In traditions?  In culture?  How is any of this relevant to your life?  What skills can you learn that you can actually apply?

7 Promote Lifelong Learning You can develop lifelong learning traits:  By showing curiosity about human nature and how the world works.  By seeking and valuing diversity.  By persisting in seeking out new solutions.  By using your unique talents and intelligence to promote positive change.  By learning and applying technology tools to solve problems.

8 Responsibility for Coursework Bring notebook and folder (or a binder), textbook, planner/syllabus, sticky notes, and appropriate writing tools to class. Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time. All assignments are posted on the syllabus and on the class Web site. 

9 What’s a “Do Now”? The do now will be written on the board each day You are to enter the room, sit in your assigned seat, and immediately begin working on your “Do now” Sometimes the “Do Now” will be a writing prompt, sometimes it will simply be to study, and sometimes it will be to pass in your homework

10 The Syllabus and Agenda The agenda will be on the board In the past I gave out a weekly syllabus to every class, every week BUT…  I found that kids simply weren’t being responsible They lost their syllabus and didn’t print out another one They left it on the floor They claimed they never received one Etc. etc.

11 So what does that mean for you? I really don’t like killing trees So…  I will give you a handout of the first week’s syllabus  Then every week after that I will project the syllabus on the board and you may take a picture of it  The syllabus will always be posted on Weebly, should you lose the picture or were absent  You may print one from Weebly if it is easier   If you haven’t written that address down yet, do so now! In fact save it in your phone somewhere.

12 General Student Behaviors Be prompt  Be ready to learn when class begins. Be prepared  Have materials with you and know due dates. Be a polite and positive participant  Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively. Be productive  Turn in work on time, and always do your best. Be a problem solver  Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate.

13 Show Respect Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values. Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with politeness and respect. Honor the ideas and opinions of others, including me. Offer to help. Be responsible with property and belongings. If you have a concern please approach me privately and respectfully. Otherwise, I will ask to speak with you at another time.

14 Policies Food and beverages (excluding water) are not allowed to be consumed in the classroom. Please be in your seat when the bell rings, as class begins at that time. If you are not in your seat at the bell you are marked tardy. Writing and projects can be revised and resubmitted up to one week after the grade has been passed back. A private conference with me is required if you plan on completing a rewrite. The two grades will be averaged. Absences  Ask team members or a classmate first for assignments.  Then email me.  Please keep me posted! I am willing to work with you if you are responsible and advocate for yourself.

15 Plagiarism It’s a big no no! According to Merriam-Webster  Plagiarism: to use the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own words or ideas  Any form of plagiarism is never acceptable and will result in a zero.

16 In case of a fire drill Take a right outside of the class room door. Proceed down the staircase on the right, and move to the bus circle. I will take attendance there. The last person to leave must close the door and shut off the lights! I will need everyone’s cooperation to help shut the windows (if they are open)

17 My Pledge to Students I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise. I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work. I will work with you to meet learning goals. I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.

18 And now Weebly! I have a weebly: Let’s check it out together!

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