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Welcome Dorsey Choir Ms. Nichols E-10. Classroom Expectations Chorus Ms. Nichols E-10.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Dorsey Choir Ms. Nichols E-10. Classroom Expectations Chorus Ms. Nichols E-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Dorsey Choir Ms. Nichols E-10

2 Classroom Expectations Chorus Ms. Nichols E-10

3 Student Behaviors  Be prompt-On Time Be ready to learn when class begins.  Stay in your seat Raise your hand for permission to get tissue, sharpen pencil, etc.  Be a polite and positive participant Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively.

4 Student Behaviors  Turn off all electronic devices and put them away or risk confiscation  Be productive Always do your best.  Be a problem solver Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate.

5 Show Respect  Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values.  Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with politeness and respect.  Honor the ideas and opinions of others.

6 Show Respect  Offer to help.  Be responsible with property and belongings.  Be Kind to the Substitute Teacher

7 Responsibility for Coursework  Bring yourself, an open mind Many people are different – allow them to be different than you.  Be ready to sing  All assignments will be posted on the bulletin board and on the class Web site.  – Look for my name under staff; Ms. Nichols and the choir class  Be ready to learn about music

8 Responsibility for Coursework  You will need a binder with a section for choir  Do your best – some assignments will be easy, while others may be more difficult  Yes, you are expected to memorize music terms and be able to define terms  Yes, you are expected to memorize lyrics and voice parts  Yes, we do perform in front of audiences

9 Promote Lifelong Learning You can develop lifelong learning traits: BBy showing curiosity about human nature and how the world works. BBy seeking and valuing diversity. BBy persisting in seeking out new solutions. BBy using your unique talents and intelligence to promote positive change. BBy learning and applying technology tools to solve problems.

10 Policies  Beverages are permitted with a closable top.  Please be in your seat when the bell rings, as class begins at that time.  Stay in your seat unless given permission to move around. Door Restroom Bell Rings Announcements  Absences Ask team members or a classmate first for assignments.

11 Grading  Grades are based on the accumulation of points.  Points are based on: Class participation (effort) Completion of assignments (daily work) Major projects, exams, and self-reflection Our Grading Scale 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F Grades are calculated on cumulative percentage and are rounded up whenever possible.

12 My Pledge to Students  I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise.  I will respect you and work with you to solve problems.  I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work.

13 My Pledge to Students  I will work with you to meet learning goals.  I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.  I look forward to making music with you.

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