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Chapter 12 IQ AND INTELLIGENCE. Definition: ability to understand and adapt to the environment by using a combination of inherited abilities and learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 IQ AND INTELLIGENCE. Definition: ability to understand and adapt to the environment by using a combination of inherited abilities and learning."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition: ability to understand and adapt to the environment by using a combination of inherited abilities and learning experiences Originally thought intelligence could be measured physically Pressed a rubber plug against forehead until pain Brighter people could last longer INTELLIGENCE

3 1904 – Paris school authorities looking to help struggling learners Asked Binet to make test Not sure what test should include Struggled in defining intelligence Determined four important elements STANFORD-BINET INTELLIGENCE SCALE

4 Understand problem Assess solution Adjust goalSet goal Direction Adaptability Comprehension Self- Evaluation

5 USING THE TEST Created “age based” questions Questions most 12 year olds could answer, 11 y/o could not Mental Age : determined by question levels being answered “Slow learners” = mental age < chronological age

6 Measure of intelligence (Mental Age ÷ Chronological Age) x 100 = IQ Scores figured differently now Norm referenced INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT


8 Stanford-Binet uses word problems Core of schoolwork David Wechsler needed to test real-world intelligence Verbal scale like Binet Performance Scale component added WECHSLER INTELLIGENCE TESTS

9 Bypasses verbal material Focus on problem solving w/o words Picture completion Identify missing component Object assembly Creating puzzles Provided percentile scores in: Vocabulary Information Arithmetic Picture arrangement Separate IQ scores for vernal and performance PERFORMANCE SCALE

10 NameAbbreviationAge Group Wechsler-Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS – RAdults Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children WISC – R6-16 years old Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence WPPSI4-6.5 years old

11 IQ ≠ real intelligence What we call intelligence is whatever tests are measuring Predicts success in school Not much else accurately Definitions of intelligence reflect the current culture Reflect what society deems worthwhile or meaningful WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE?

12 Stimulating environments produce greater intelligence Education, social class, and nutrition play major part Important in basic intellectual potential Identical twins, fraternal twins, non-twin siblings Regressive relation in IQ similarities INFLUENCES HeredityEnvironment

13 Focusing on academics severely limits scope of intelligent behavior Gardner believes there are 9 intelligent behaviors No well established test to measure these abilities GARDNER’S THEORY OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES

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