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GLOBAL LAND RESOURCES ‘FOREST PROCEED PEOPLE; DESERTS SUCCEED THEM” Forestry and Silviculture (the Management of Forests)

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL LAND RESOURCES ‘FOREST PROCEED PEOPLE; DESERTS SUCCEED THEM” Forestry and Silviculture (the Management of Forests)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBAL LAND RESOURCES ‘FOREST PROCEED PEOPLE; DESERTS SUCCEED THEM” Forestry and Silviculture (the Management of Forests)

2 What Used To Be!

3 The Magical Forest Notice the connectedness of fallen organic debris to fungus – to overall tree health Explain the relationship between the dead salmon and the forest.

4 Name the tree this leaf belongs to #1

5 Name the tree this leaf belongs to #2

6 #3

7 #4

8 #5

9 #6

10 #7

11 #8

12 #9

13 #10

14 Can you name this tree? Looks like an Umbrella


16 Tree Identification Why….because its important as land stewards to know and be expert in our surrounding environment Gives us a sense of caring of the living world around us Economic benefits…???

17 Tree ID works as follows #1 Tree Type – Coniferous or Deciduous - Gymnosperms usually have needles that stay green throughout the year. Examples are pines, cedars, spruces and firs - referred to as hardwoods. Angiosperms are trees have broad leaves that usually change color and die every autumn. Oaks, maples and dogwoods are examples of deciduous trees.

18 #2 Leaves Leaves either grow on opposite or alternate sides of a twig. If they are growing on opposite sides of a twig, there is a very good chance that the tree is a maple, ash or dogwood. Alternate Opposite

19 #3 Bark Tree bark can vary greatly throughout the life of a tree, often becoming rougher as a tree grows Shag Bark Hickory American Beech Yellow Birch White Ash

20 #4

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