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Resource Description and Access RDA Activities Since June 2007 RDA Forum ALA Mid-winter Conference 2008 Marjorie E. Bloss, RDA Project Manager.

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1 Resource Description and Access RDA Activities Since June 2007 RDA Forum ALA Mid-winter Conference 2008 Marjorie E. Bloss, RDA Project Manager

2 The RDA Project  The development of an international cataloging code  Collaborative effort  Resulting records for use in Web environment  First release scheduled for early 2009

3 Who develops and supports RDA?

4 Activities on Many Fronts  Administrative concerns  Content development  Product development and design  Outreach activities

5 Administrative  Press release from national libraries of Australia, Canada, the UK and the Library of Congress  Response to the Library of Congress’ Working Group’s report from the Committee of Principals  Review of RDA committee structure

6 Content  Restructuring of RDA  Release of new chapters and sections dealing with choice and form of entry (previously RDA part B)  John will give you the details of what RDA will look like in his presentation

7 RDA Online Product  New RDA logo  In the last stages of finalizing the contract for RDA software product.  Have already contracted with Cognilore, a Canadian company, for the RDA authoring system  Very likely they’ll be selected for the software for RDA itself

8 New RDA Prototype  New RDA online prototype being developed  More robust  More in line with finalized product  Can create a customized version of the Web-based RDA to see only the instructions you need or want to see  Cartographic instructions  Serial instructions  Etc.

9 RDA Prototype Availability  The new prototype is currently being tested with a few designated groups  Co-Publishers are gathering their comments and will make any necessary changes  Will announce its availability to constituencies and on various listservs

10 Outreach Activities  Presentations at conferences and meetings  IFLA Satellite Meeting just prior to IFLA 2008 conference in Quebec City  BL, LAC, NLA, and LC press release announcing coordination of training activities and materials  JSC members representing these libraries met at the end of the October JSC meeting

11 Training for RDA  Catalogers will need some training in RDA  Orientation and background on the underlying conceptual models and principles  Training on rules that have changed between AACR2 and RDA  Groups that provide training are beginning to make plans  Online product will assist with learning  Implementation of RDA in late 2009

12 ALA RDA Implementation TF  New chair Dr. Shawne Miksa, University of North Texas  TF includes broad representation  Task Force charge includes:  Identifying training/CE activities  Coordinating with various groups regarding their plans for RDA implementation  Planning a program on RDA for ALA Annual conference in Anaheim

13 Task Force Plans  Sessions on preparing for RDA, to include workshops on FRBR/FRAD, RDA vocabulary, comparisons between AACR2 and RDA, etc.  Training in a variety of formats: “train the trainer”, distance learning, “road shows”  Identifying and coordinating groups interested in RDA training (CRG, PCC, State libraries, etc.)

14 Conclusion  RDA’s first release scheduled for early 2009 is coming up fast  Keep up up-to-date with RDA activities between conferences by routinely checking the JSC website:

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