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Los reflexivos La vida cotidiana. Levantarse To get up Ducharse To take a shower.

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Presentation on theme: "Los reflexivos La vida cotidiana. Levantarse To get up Ducharse To take a shower."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los reflexivos La vida cotidiana

2 Levantarse To get up Ducharse To take a shower

3 Cepillarse los dientes To brush one’s teeth Pasar el hilo dental por los dientes To floss one’s teeth

4 Afeitarse To shave Vestirse (e  i) To get dressed Ponerse la ropa To put on clothes

5 Lavarse la cara To wash one’s face Maquillarse To put on makeup

6 Cepillarse el cabello/el pelo To brush one’s hair Peinarse el cabello/el pelo To comb one’s hair

7 Desvestirse (e  i) To get undressed

8 Tomar un baño to take a bath Bañarse to bathe Acostarse (o  ue) To go to bed

9 Dormirse (o  ue) To fall asleep

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