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By: Joseph Lovecchio, Bobby Medori, Mike Linnane.

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1 By: Joseph Lovecchio, Bobby Medori, Mike Linnane

2 Launching the New Government A precedent was a new step for each new law and policy. The Cabinet, Political parties, and judicial review were part of the unwritten constitution, it was called this because it had such strong influences on the government. When the constitution was ratified five states didn’t fully agree with the constitution, until their individual rights were included in the constitution.

3 Continued The Congress sent 12 amendments to be aproved by the states. In 1791 only 10 were aproved and then became known as the Bill of Rights. They also set up the branch of the government called the federal Judiciary Branch. This set up the supreme court consisting of a chief justice and 5 associates, but today there are 8 associates.

4 Administrative Departments There are 15 departments of the Executive branch. The President appointed the leaders of each department. State- Thomas Jefferson Treasury- Alexander Hamilton War- Henry Knox Post Office- Samuel Osgood Attorney General- Edmund Randolph

5 The Cabinet Emerges The President cabinet has no official status, but he uses them as advisors. John Jay was appointed the first Supreme court justice. John Jay and five other associates made up the supreme court.

6 Hamilton’s Economic plan As soon as the cabinet was formed, they went to work on the economic problems. They owed around 80 million dollars to different countries. Hamilton proposed a plan, which said to pay back the debt as soon as possible. The plan was also made to form a national bank, that had government accounts. This was the bank of the U.S.

7 Hamilton’s Economic plan Not everyone agreed with his proposal. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were the leaders of the group who opposed this plan. They said that it favored the rich and the high-risk investors. Some States had already paid their war debts, and didn’t want to have to pay for the other states

8 Hamilton’s Economic plan Hamilton was a good negotiator, so many of the compromises didn’t get passed. He said that it was worth it to pay the money to get the country on solid financial footing.


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