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Body Regions & Anatomical Terminology

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Presentation on theme: "Body Regions & Anatomical Terminology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Regions & Anatomical Terminology

2 Anatomical Position Arms down by side Palms up Head and eyes forward
Legs parallel, feet together

3 Coronal/Sagittal/Transverse Planes
Coronal Plane (Frontal Plane) Sagittal Plane (Lateral Plane) Transverse Plane (Axial Plane)

4 Coronal Plane aka Frontal Plane
Vertical plane running from side to side Divides the body or any of its parts into anterior and posterior portions

5 Sagittal Plane aka Lateral Plane
vertical plane running from front to back Divides the body or any of its parts into right and left sides

6 Transverse Plane aka Axial Plane Horizontal plane
Divides the body or any of its parts into upper and lower parts

7 Anterior/Posterior Anterior—to be situated near or toward the front of the body Posterior--to be situated toward the back of the body

8 Superior/Inferior Cranial/Caudal
Superior—means to be situated toward the upper part or head of the body, positioned above another organ or structure Inferior—to be situated toward the lower part of the body or positioned below another organ or structure Cranial—refers to the head end Caudal—refers to the tail end

9 Superior/Inferior Cranial/Caudal

10 Medial/Lateral Medial—to be closer to the midline of the body or a structure, being internal as opposed to external Lateral—to be farther away, in the direction of either side, from the midline of the body or a structure

11 Proximal/Distal Proximal: Toward or nearest the trunk or the point of origin of a part Distal: Away from or farthest from the trunk or the point of origin of a part




15 Unilateral/Bilateral
Unilateral—on one side Bilateral—on both sides

16 Acute/Chronic Acute—symptoms appear and change/worsen rapidly (heart attack) Chronic—develops and worsens over an extended period of time (atherosclerosis) Atherosclerosis: a common arterial disease in which raised areas of degeneration and cholesterol deposits plaques form on the inner surfaces of the arteries obstructing blood flow

17 Ipsilateral/Contralateral
Ipsilateral—on the same side as another structure i.e. the left arm is ipsilateral to the left leg. Contralateral—on the opposite from another structure i.e. the left arm is contralateral to the right arm, or the right leg.

18 Superficial/Intermediate/Deep
Superficial—near the outer surface of the body i.e. skin is superficial to the muscle layer Intermediate—between two other structures i.e. the naval is intermediate to (or intermediate between) the left arm and the contralateral (right) leg. Deep—further away from the surface of the body i.e. the muscular layer is deep to the skin, but superficial to the intestines.

19 Superficial/Intermediate/Deep

20 Avascular Without blood circulation

21 Ectopic Occurring in an abnormal position or place
Ectopic pregnancy=a complication of pregnancy in which the pregnancy implants outside the uterine cavity Ectopic kidney=not located in the usual position

22 Body Cavities Thoracic Cavity Abdominal and Pelvic Cavity
Dorsal Cavity 22

23 Thoracic Cavity Upper ventral, thoracic or chest cavity Contains:
Heart Lungs Trachea Esophagus Large blood vessels Nerves Bound laterally by ribs and the diaphragm caudally

24 Abdominopelvic Cavity
Lower part of ventral cavity Abdominal: Gastrointestinal tract Kidneys Adrenal glands Pelvic: Urogenital system Rectum 24

25 Dorsal Cavity Smaller of two main cavities Upper portion:
Cranial cavity Brain Lower portion: Vertebral canal house spinal cord

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