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Technological Changes Impact 8.3.5 You will analyze the impact of changing technology and social and economic conditions on Canada’s prosperity and lifestyles.

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Presentation on theme: "Technological Changes Impact 8.3.5 You will analyze the impact of changing technology and social and economic conditions on Canada’s prosperity and lifestyles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technological Changes Impact 8.3.5 You will analyze the impact of changing technology and social and economic conditions on Canada’s prosperity and lifestyles in the 1950s and 1960. –How did technology affect lifestyle through transportation, television, labour-saving devices, and industrialization?

2 Transportation Changes Love of cars increased Car sales increased Road construction increased Road were paved Large trucks began to transport goods Major projects (bridges, causeways, seaways) Trans-Canada Highway built 1962 Trains: diesel replaced steam Planes: Commercial aviation grew rapidly Jet engine (late 50s) made air travel popular (also freight) Bush pilots replaced by regular air service

3 Transportation Impact/Affects Saving gas not an issue Easier and faster to travel (importance of good roads) Remote communities increased exposure to new technologies Demand for better transportation resulted in major projects People traveled more (made life exciting) Travel more dangerous More could afford what once had been a luxury (cars) Jobs created (e.g. truckers)

4 Electricity, TV, Telephones Changes First 2 TV stations (CBC) in Montreal & Toronto -1952 First private station –1953 CTV formed –1961 Coloured TV arrived mid-60s Issue-based programs (e.g. Front Page Challenge) created

5 TV & Telephones Affects Brought an end to the storyteller era Telephones: homes shared party line (eavesdroppers) Families drew together to watch favourite TV show People without TV set visited friends or neighbours to watch More sedentary (less active) More entertainment People stayed up later (including children)

6 Labour-Saving Devices Changes Synthetics and plastics and electronics Central heat (coal furnace) in new basement Demand for appliances, new kitchen gadgets, tools, etc. –Disposable tissues –Hair spray –Wash-and-wear clothes –Transistor radios –Power lawn mowers –Electric toaster –Cake mixes –Instant coffee –TV dinners –Automatic washer/dryer –Vacuum cleaner –Electric range

7 Labour-Saving Impacts More cost (electricity) More dangerous Easier Faster More pollution (for environment and health) More sedentary (less active)

8 Industrialization Changes New technologies helped mining industry expand (uranium production) Air transport important Oil/gas industry expanded High-tech aviation industry developed (never recovered from Avro Arrow cancellation) New towns built (e.g. Kitimat) Hydroelectric projects (power dams) begun to meet demand Power saws Farmers began selling products to canning and freezing companies (e.g. McCain)

9 Industrialization Affects/Impacts More dangerous (e.g. power-saw) Easier (less manual labour) Faster More jobs Modern machinery – fewer people farming

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