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Keyword anagrams 1.hitBr 2.traintnCoco 3.tentsruNi 4.vixreC 5.acePlant 1.Birth 2.Contractions 3.Nutrients 4.Cervix 5.Placenta.

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Presentation on theme: "Keyword anagrams 1.hitBr 2.traintnCoco 3.tentsruNi 4.vixreC 5.acePlant 1.Birth 2.Contractions 3.Nutrients 4.Cervix 5.Placenta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keyword anagrams 1.hitBr 2.traintnCoco 3.tentsruNi 4.vixreC 5.acePlant 1.Birth 2.Contractions 3.Nutrients 4.Cervix 5.Placenta

2 Birth Lesson outcomes L3 – Recall that the baby is nourished by breast milk L4 – Describe how a new born baby obtains the nutrients it needs for growth L5 – Explain the process of birth L6 – Explain that breast milk contains antibodies that protect against common micro- organisms

3 Birth animation

4 One born every minute

5 Stepping stones challenge

6 The uterus starts to contract, this is the beginning of labour. Once the cervix is 10cm dilated the strong contractions begin to push the baby out. The baby comes out head first, the umbilical cord is tied and cut. About half an hour after the baby is born the placenta breaks away and passes out of the vagina. At about 9 months (40 weeks) the baby is ready to be born At some stage the amnion breaks and the fluid comes out of the vagina. The contractions becomes stronger and the cervix muscle starts to relax. E D C B A F G

7 The uterus starts to contract, this is the beginning of labour. Once the cervix is 10cm dilated the strong contractions begin to push the baby out. The baby comes out head first, the umbilical cord is tied and cut. About half an hour after the baby is born the placenta breaks away and passes out of the vagina. At about 9 months (40 weeks) the baby is ready to be born At some stage the amnion breaks and the fluid comes out of the vagina. The contractions becomes stronger and the cervix muscle starts to relax. E D C B A F G Answers

8 Think, pair, share A newborn baby needs nutrients in order to grow. 1.Where does a new born baby get it’s nutrients from?

9 Breast is best! B______ feeding is considered to be the best method for feeding. It is rich in p_______ which is needed for growth. It also contains a____________ to protect the baby from infection. Food is a basic need of a newborn baby. Babies are born with the natural reflex to s_________. If a baby is put to a mother’s b_________ after birth it will begin to s_____. antibodiesproteinsuckbreast

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