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ENEE 440 Chapter 6 8255 PPI 8255 Register Select -CS A1 A0 REGISTER R/W 0 0 0 PORT A R/W 0 0 1 PORT B R/W 0 1 0 PORT C R/W 0 1 1 CR W 1 X X8255 NOT.

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Presentation on theme: "ENEE 440 Chapter 6 8255 PPI 8255 Register Select -CS A1 A0 REGISTER R/W 0 0 0 PORT A R/W 0 0 1 PORT B R/W 0 1 0 PORT C R/W 0 1 1 CR W 1 X X8255 NOT."— Presentation transcript:


2 ENEE 440 Chapter 6

3 8255 PPI

4 8255 Register Select -CS A1 A0 REGISTER R/W 0 0 0 PORT A R/W 0 0 1 PORT B R/W 0 1 0 PORT C R/W 0 1 1 CR W 1 X X8255 NOT SELECTED

5 8255 Interfaced to PC

6 8255 -to-PC Decoding Chart

7 8255 Register Addresses Port A300 Port B301 Port C302 Control Register303

8 8255 Control Word

9 Read in Switches and Display Output !Configuration of 8255 in mode 0 with Port A as input and Port B as output mov dx, 303h mov al, 90h out dx, al !Read Port A and send data to Port B mov dx, 300h in al, dx mov dx, 301h out dx, al

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