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Ag Communications One to One Communication Communicating with one other person.

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2 Ag Communications One to One Communication

3 Communicating with one other person

4 One to One Communication Face to Face Conversations Telephone Calls Interviews

5 Verbal Aspects Conversation- talking about various matters of interest to both parties, these are usually not planned or rehearsed beforehand

6 Conversation

7 How to Improve Conversation 1. Send and Receive Message Accurately- always give careful thought to what you say, make sure it is in words your receiver will understand, rephrase if your listener doesn’t get your drift, and always listen effectively

8 How to Improve Conversation 2. Be Courteous- take turns, don’t interrupt to insert your own ideas, avoid verbally attacking someone when you disagree with what they are saying, and always try to remain open minded

9 How to Improve Conversation 3. Be able to Speak on a Number of topics- try to develop a variety of interests, don’t jump from one topic to another without transition, be sure to allow the other person in the conversation to speak about their interests as well

10 How to Improve Conversation 4. Learn to Enjoy Conversation- always try to speak with enthusiasm and dynamics and attempt to make the conversation enjoyable for everyone. Conversation is one of life’s most pleasant means of teaching and learning

11 Non Verbal Aspects 1. Kinesics- Use of Body Motion; eye contact, facial expressions, length of time you maintain eye contact

12 Non Verbal Aspects Understanding non-verbal aspects is essential because over 50% of a messages impact comes from body language 7%- Verbal (Words) 38%- Vocal (Volume, Pitch, Tone, etc.) 55%- Body Language (Kinesics & Proxemics)

13 Kinesics A.Eye Contact- authority demands eye contact, not making eye contact can give a negative impression- lying, lack of respect, lack of focus etc. 1. Avoid Extremes- avoid making too much or too little eye contact

14 Kinesics B. Facial Expressions- show interest, anger, disappointment, fear, sadness, etc.

15 Facial Expression Awareness- be aware of your facial expressions during conversation, they convey your mood

16 Kinesics C. Arm- Hand Movement – describe, locate, symbolize and explain Avoid extremes- lack of movement suggests disinterest, too much movement can be distracting- be natural

17 Non Verbal Aspects 2.Proxemics- Using space, avoid invading personal space a.Friends and Family- allow closeness,most allow touch, hugs etc.

18 Proxemics General Spatial Comfort Zone Intimate- (0-18”) Personal- (1.5’-4’) Social- (4’-12’) Public- (12’-20’)

19 Proxemics b.Acquaintances- Being too close may cause discomfort- you may put up barriers

20 Non Verbal Aspects 3.Time- amounts of time spent tell us much More time means more important

21 Time Allowing many interruptions signals feelings of unimportance

22 Non Verbal Aspects 4. Appearance- neatness and being well groomed- smell good, clothing is clean and neat, hair is brushed and styled

23 Appearance You can’t get a first impression back- we can control cleanliness and neatness- we may have to overcome impressions about height, weight, or other stereotypes

24 Non Verbal Aspects 5.Paralanguage- use of rate, tone, etc.: voice- can convey messages about mood or attitude

25 Paralanguage 1. Vocalized Pauses- overuse can send negative messages- lying or stupidity

26 What Messages are YOU Sending? Are you aware of : Your expressions? Your cleanliness? Your tone? Your proxemity? Your timing Words and meanings behind them?

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