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Alastair Tibbitt Glasgow Community & Safety Services Working Together for Safer Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Alastair Tibbitt Glasgow Community & Safety Services Working Together for Safer Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alastair Tibbitt Glasgow Community & Safety Services Working Together for Safer Communities

2 PUBLIC SECTOR REFORM THE CRIME PREVENTION PATHFINDER A Community Planning Approach to Tackling Crime, Antisocial Behaviour to Tackling Crime, Antisocial Behaviour and Promoting Community Safety and Promoting Community Safety in Glasgow

3 Overview  What? – Glasgow Community & Safety Services (GCSS) Structure  Why? - Drivers For Change  How it was done  Locality Teams  Case Study - Clean Glasgow  What Next?

4 GCSS – A New Way Of Doing Things  GCSS is a company limited by Guarantee, with charitable status

5 Drivers For Change  To move services in line with Community Planning boundaries and priority themes  To improve coordination of services  To fully involve partners  To increase the flexibility of services  To improve management and targeting of resources  To adopt a holistic approach to the issues of crime, antisocial behaviour and community insecurity  To maximise funding opportunities

6 To bring together local and city-wide service providers to work in partnership with communities to create a safe, vibrant, working Glasgow in which crime, violence and antisocial behaviour are reduced, community responsibility is promoted and safety in the home and public places is improved Aim

7 The Key Target Areas  Link the Crime and Grime Agenda  Improve Resident Responsibility and Participation  Operate at Strategic, Neighbourhood, Family and Individual levels  To Embrace Community Planning and Engender Corporate Working  To focus on both Deeds and Needs of Individuals and Groups

8 Bring Together Over 500 Staff From:-  Glasgow City Council  Streetwatch (CCTV)  Glasgow Housing Association  Strathclyde Police  Glasgow Community Safety Partnership  Strathclyde Fire & Rescue

9 Community CCTV Intelligence & Problem Solving unit CITRAC Motorway Monitoring Centre City Council Security Centre Strathclyde Fire & Rescue Control Centre Strathclyde Police Control Centre Central Support Services Area Team North Area Team North Area Team South West Area Team South West Area Team East Area Team East Area Team South East Area Team South East Area Team West Area Team West City Centre Task Force City Centre Task Force Integrated Service Delivery

10 5 Strategic Planning Areas

11 5 Locality Teams Each team comprised of the following sections:-  Community Reassurance section  Neighbourhood and Family Support section  Young People, Prevention and Diversion section  Enforcement section

12 DELIVERING COMMUNITY SAFETY AT A LOCAL LEVEL Neighbourhood Issues High NEET group High incapacity levels High unemployment Low skill levels Training & Employment Health Leisure & Recreation Few facilities in the area Reticence to travel to recreational opportunities The Environment Vandalism Graffiti Fly tipping Poor public spaces Poor street furniture Poor lighting Areas seen as unsafe:- Fear of crime Family Support High level of one parent families Low information levels about services Low incomes Violence against women Crime, ASB Reassurance Gangs Antisocial neighbours Violence against women High levels of ASB & offending Territoriality Young people hanging around Hate crime:- Racism Homophobia Sectarianism Prostitution Citizenship & Learning High exclusion Poor attendance Low ownership of community assets Respect in relationships

13 Intelligence Led Approach Balornock/ Barmulloch 2 days Sighthill/ Royston/ Germiston 3 days Springburn 4 days Robroyston/ Millerston 2 days Locality North MARYHILL KELVIN & CANAL CPP SPRINGBURN CPP Lambhill/ Milton 3 days Maryhill Road Corridor 4 days Kelvindale/ Kelvinside 2days North Maryhill/ Summerston 3 days Ruchill/ Possilpark 4 days Neighbourhood RatingNumber of days resources Reqd. Rating 1 - 44 days Rating 5 - 73 days Rating 8 - 102 days

14 Clean Glasgow Background  High Profile Grime Crime campaign launched in February 2007  Partnership approach coordinated by Glasgow City Council  GCSS vital supporting role  Other key partners – Glasgow Evening Times, Glasgow Housing Association, Glasgow Community Planning Partnership

15 Direct Service Improvement – Clean Glasgow  Over 4373 litter FPN’s issued  Now provide city-wide coverage  Over 30,000hrs of patrols, city wide  10 mobile CCTV vehicles and 3 further ‘command and control’ vehicles  Graffiti treatment – productivity boosted 104%  Better local coordination

16 Community Involvement – Clean Glasgow In the 7 months from March-Oct 2007:  154 Clean-up events  96 Promotion/Planning/Information events  6509 Volunteers  1167 Volunteers aged under 16  9035 Volunteer Hours of actual clean-up work worth £59,847.84 at minimum wage  Community events in every CPP area  152 Graffiti treatment kits distributed

17 Clean Glasgow Outcomes  Positive evaluation results from Councillors and officers survey  Campaign on shortlist for a number of awards  More than 50% of public survey respondents feel city has improved on ‘Grime Crime’ issues in last 6 months

18 What Next?  GCSS is a unique organisation that seeks to bring together a range of ‘crime and grime’ services  Intelligence led approach has improved Grime Crime services throughout the city  Locality Team focus on supporting active communities  Clean Glasgow 2 campaign in development  Expand range of enforcement powers

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