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Nebraska Government Learning some terms!. U. S. Senator George Norris / The father and founder of the one-house system was / Senator George Norris. /

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Presentation on theme: "Nebraska Government Learning some terms!. U. S. Senator George Norris / The father and founder of the one-house system was / Senator George Norris. /"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nebraska Government Learning some terms!

2 U. S. Senator George Norris / The father and founder of the one-house system was / Senator George Norris. / The father and founder of the one-house system was / Senator George Norris.

3 citizen "The Salvation of the State is Watchfulness in the Citizen.“ The sculpture is called "Spirit of the Pioneers." Oxen pull a covered wagon as a family walks west. “A citizen is “a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government…” according to : http://www.dictio

4 Legislative - Executive - Judicial The 3 Branches of Government Executive

5 Unicameral / “ Nebraska is the only state which has a one-house legislature. The word for this system is unicameral / (uni = one + cameral = chamber). / Nebraska adopted the unicameral system in 1934.” / “ 11.jpg&imgrefurl= 22&hl=en&start=19&um=1&tbnid=vgJKV1- 7J92NMM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=132&prev=/images%3Fq%3DLegislature%2B%252B%2Bnebraska%26um%3D1%26hl%3De / “ Nebraska is the only state which has a one-house legislature. The word for this system is unicameral / (uni = one + cameral = chamber). / Nebraska adopted the unicameral system in 1934.” / “ 11.jpg&imgrefurl= 22&hl=en&start=19&um=1&tbnid=vgJKV1- 7J92NMM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=132&prev=/images%3Fq%3DLegislature%2B%252B%2Bnebraska%26um%3D1%26hl%3De

6 Bicameral / Bicameral is a two house system. / Bi- means two! / Bicameral is a two house system. / Bi- means two!

7 President / President is another name for Lieutenant governor: Lt. Governor Sheehy presides as the President of the Nebraska Legislature (Neb. Const. art. III, sec. 10; Rules of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature, Rule 1, Section 5).

8 Legislative Bill A bill is a document that contains a proposed law, referred to as LB.

9 Legislature

10 Forty-Nine / The number of senators in the Nebraska legislature is 49!

11 Veto / A veto is the return of a bill by the governor to the legislature unsigned.

12 Four Years / The length of a senator’s term in office.

13 Senators / A senator is a person who is a part of a legislative body, a member of the upper congress, and can introduce bills that may become law. Senators

14 Legislative Committee / Small groups of senators that review proposed laws.

15 Nebraska State Law (process) / A bill is introduced by a senator, filed with a clerk, placed before a committee, make amendments to “edit”, advance bill to general file, select file, final reading, then it goes to the gov. of state

16 .gov /.gov is extention on a URL that indicates a government website. Example: http://www.nebraska.gov /.gov is extention on a URL that indicates a government website. Example: http://www.nebraska.gov

17 Capital/capitol / Lincoln is the capital of Nebraska. / Capitol: / A building in which a state legislature meets. / Lincoln is the capital of Nebraska. / Capitol: / A building in which a state legislature meets. DSCN5022_nebraskacapitolwithfountain_e.jpgDSCN5022_nebraskacapitolwithfountain_e.jpg‎

18 The Nebraska Supreme Court the Judicial Branch

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