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February 11, 2014 Imagery H omework: B ring random object on Wednesday! Have vocabulary words and definitions written in your comp book by Wednesday! Objective:

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Presentation on theme: "February 11, 2014 Imagery H omework: B ring random object on Wednesday! Have vocabulary words and definitions written in your comp book by Wednesday! Objective:"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 11, 2014 Imagery H omework: B ring random object on Wednesday! Have vocabulary words and definitions written in your comp book by Wednesday! Objective: I can analyze the elements of poetry (imagery) and evaluate how they impact a poem's meaning. Warm Up (in your composition book) Copy down your objective into your notes. Look up the definition for IMAGERY in the red section of your Lit book and copy it down into your notes.

2 imagery imagery consists of words and phrases that appeal to a reader's five senses. Writers use sensory details to help the reader imagine how things: look feel smell sound taste

3 Create a chart like this one in your comp book "Fall" "Change" tastesight touch smellhearing

4 Now turn in your Lit book to pg. 602 "Fall" Which of the five senses do the details in the poem appeal to? Record your answers in your chart.

5 Now let's look at "Change" on pg. 604 Find the simile in lines 14-16. What does the simile help you hear? Why is it a good comparison?

6 No w turn in your Lit book to pg. 608. Read the "How much can one word say? section and complete the web it assignment.

7 Create a chart like this one in your comp book Poem Paraphrase "Message from a Caterpillar" "Fog" "Two Haiku"

8 Now look up the definition for haiku in the red part of your Lit book.

9 haiku a form of Japanese poetry in which 17 syllables are arranged in three lines of 5,7,5 syllable pattern. Typically, they are about nature.

10 Now read the first haiku on pg. 612 and paraphrase in your own words the images that appeal to your sense of sight and sound.

11 Now you try it! I will give you two subjects, things in nature. Your assignment is to write one haiku about each subject. Make sure you keep the syllable pattern of 5,7,5 or it's ALL WRONG!!! Highlight your subject The last haiku is a topic of your choice (should not be about nature)

12 Homework: Gr eek Day tomorrow!

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