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In Class Grammar Fun: 458.4, 459.1, 460.1 Quotes and Works Cited – Are you ready? Let’s check out those papers… Poetry Introduction What’s Poetry Anyway?

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Presentation on theme: "In Class Grammar Fun: 458.4, 459.1, 460.1 Quotes and Works Cited – Are you ready? Let’s check out those papers… Poetry Introduction What’s Poetry Anyway?"— Presentation transcript:

1 In Class Grammar Fun: 458.4, 459.1, 460.1 Quotes and Works Cited – Are you ready? Let’s check out those papers… Poetry Introduction What’s Poetry Anyway? Let’s figure out some terms & examples English 9 – Monday Week Eight Homework Finish / Revise your paper Finish finding poetry terms & examples Find one poem of your choice, print it, read it, & apply five of the new vocabulary terms

2 Quotes and Works Cited – Are you ready? 1. Go through and highlight each quote 2. Look at the citation One word? Quotations or Last Name? Where’s the period ” (Smith). OR ” (“Save”). 3. Can the citation be found in the Works Cited? 4. Are six quotes used? English 9 – Monday Week Eight

3 Quotes and Works Cited – Are you ready? 5. MLA Heading, Title, & Header? 6. Works Cited Title? 7. Five paragraphs? Introduction with thesis? Three parts of thesis = Three body paragraphs Reflected in the topic and concluding sentence of each paragraph? Conclusion with great Hit it Home point? English 9 – Monday Week Eight

4 Quotes and Works Cited – Are you ready? If you are unsure about any of this… I would encourage you to NOT turn your paper in until tomorrow. I would rather have professional work than not complete and unprofessional work. English 9 – Monday Week Eight

5 What’s Poetry Anyway? “A genre of literature in which individual works are generally works are generally recognizable in terms of form and/or structure (e.g. meter, rhyme, etc.), and/or precise and figurative use of language” English 9 – Monday Week Eight

6 Let’s figure out some terms and examples Working with one partner: Define the poetry term Find an example of it Why is it important? English 9 – Monday Week Eight

7 Maybe Dats Your Pwoblem Too Who’s your favorite superhero? How many of you have seen Spiderman or Spiderman 2? English 9 – Monday Week Eight

8 “Maybe Dats Your Pwoblem Too” dats-your-problem-too.html dats-your-problem-too.html What do you think? Is this poetry? Why or why not? English 9 – Monday Week Eight

9 Five Poetry Terms of the Day Allusion – a literary reference to a familiar person, place, thing, or event Where is that in this poem? English 9 – Monday Week Eight

10 Five Poetry Terms of the Day Free Verse – poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme Where is that in this poem? English 9 – Monday Week Eight

11 Five Poetry Terms of the Day Figurative Language – language used to create a special effect or feeling Where is that in this poem? English 9 – Monday Week Eight

12 Five Poetry Terms of the Day Imagery – the use of words to create a certain picture in the reader’s mind Where is that in this poem? English 9 – Monday Week Eight

13 Five Poetry Terms of the Day Symbol – a person, place, thing, or event used to represent something else Where is that in this poem? English 9 – Monday Week Eight

14 In Class CSAP Writing Fun Sign-up for Paper Conferences Poetry Portfolio and Pop-up Poetry Project Poetry Introduction What’s Poetry Anyway? Poetry Terms Define, Example, and Why Important? English 9 – Tuesday Week Eight Homework Show up for Paper Conferences Write your Bio-Poem & Find your Pop-up Poetry lyrics

15 What’s Poetry Anyway? “A genre of literature in which individual works are generally works are generally recognizable in terms of form and/or structure (e.g. meter, rhyme, etc.), and/or precise and figurative use of language” English 9 – Monday Week Eight

16 In Class Sign-up for Paper Conferences - II Hand out Poetry Packets Go Through Poetry Terms Handout Look at Metaphor’s and Simile's in Figurative Language English 9 – Tuesday Week Eight


18 In Class Sign-up for Paper Conferences Poetry Introduction Look at the packet elements Poetry Terms  Define and Example Metaphor and Simile “Harlem” and “Fog” English 9 – Wednesday Week Eight Homework Show up for Paper Conferences Look at your poem & find 10 examples of the poetry terms

19 Alliteration: The repetition of initial consonant sounds in words

20 Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds without repeating consonants

21 Ballad: A poem in verse form that tells a story

22 Consonance: The repetition of consonant sounds

23 End Rhyme: The rhyming of words that appear at the ends of two or more lines of poetry

24 Figurative Language: Language used to create a special effect or feeling

25 Imagery: The use of words to create a certain picture in the reader’s mind

26 Internal Rhyme: When rhyming words appear in the same line of poetry.

27 Metaphor: A comparison of two unlike things in which no word of comparison is used

28 Onomatopoeia: The use of a word whose sound suggests it meaning

29 Perfect Rhyme: Same vowel and ending consonant

30 Personification: A literary device in which the author speaks of or describes an animal, object, or idea as if it were a person

31 Repetition: The repeating of a word, a phrase, or an idea for emphasis or for rhythmic effect

32 Rhyme: The similarity or likeness of sound existing between two words

33 Rhythm: The regular or random occurrence of sound in poetry

34 Simile: A comparison of two unlike things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’

35 Symbol: A person, place, thing, or event used to represent something else

36 Theme: The statement about life that a writer is trying to get across in a piece of writing

37 In Class It’s A New Day… CSAP Poem Turn in poem for homework & checking off lyrics Wrapping up Metaphor and Simile “Fog” Imagery Appealing to what? “ Combing” & “Traveling Through the Dark” English 9 – Thursday Week Eight Homework CSAP Poem Exercises Post Card Poem

38 Post Card Poem Find a post card List the elements of imagery in the postcard: - Sight- Touch - Smell- Hear - Talk Create phrases with these images that appeal to the senses Use active verbs, specific nouns, and unique adjectives Write a poem based on these images in the postcard Come to some sort of thematic idea at the end English 9 – Thursday Week Eight

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