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Inspired by Dead Poets Society

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1 Inspired by Dead Poets Society
Exploration of Poetry Inspired by Dead Poets Society

2 Today’s Tasks: Review the meanings of the terms provided. This will help with annotations. Take turns and read aloud your poem with your group. Group members should be listening and using the 6 steps. Discuss and analyze the poem/text. Decipher the speaker, subject, theme, tone, mood, and label diction and imagery. (annotate as you go using the handout) Decipher the figurative language used by the author. (annotate as you go using the handout) Answer this: What makes this poem/text relevant to Dead Poets’ Society (the film) and to the modern audience? Now, you are ready to move on to the creation of your group PPT.

3 Poetry/Text Literary Terms
Biggs Day 1 Poetry/Text Literary Terms Speaker - the voice in the poem (not the poet, or author) Narrator – the voice in the text (if it’s not a poem) Subject - what the poem or text is about Theme - the life lesson(s) of the poem/text Tone - the writer’s attitude toward the subject Mood - the atmosphere created by the poem/text and felt by the reader Diction - the poet or author’s choice of words (sound and/or power) Imagery – words that appeal to the five senses Figurative Language – similes, metaphors, personification, symbolism,etc.

4 How To Read A Poem Listen
Read poem aloud. Listen to sounds and rhythm. Sounds of words and rhythm create moods or feelings. How does the rhythm and sounds of the words affect you?

5 How To Read A Poem Question
What is the poem saying? What questions come to mind as you read? Why does the writer include certain words and details? Write them down; look for answers.

6 How To Read A Poem Use your Senses
Biggs Day 1 How To Read A Poem Use your Senses What images or word pictures are created? How are they created? Let your imagination see the picture in your mind. Imagine the sights, smells, tastes, textures, and sounds.

7 How To Read A Poem Use your Experience
Bring prior experience and knowledge to the poem. What images and feelings are familiar to you? What images and feelings are new to you?

8 How To Read A Poem Paraphrase
Put the poem into your own words. How would you sum up the poem in its entirety? Caution: Don’t let it lose its meaning.

9 How To Read A Poem Respond
Think about how the poem made you feel. What thoughts were you forced to think about? What does the poem say to you? What wisdom did it lend?

10 Power Point Requirements:
Slide 1: Title of your text and author. (names of group members at bottom of slide in smaller font) Slide 2: Author’s Biographical and Literary Information Slide 3: Copy of your text Slide 4: Information about the speaker, subject, & theme. Slide 5: Information about the tone, mood, diction & imagery used. Slide 6: Information and examples of figurative language used. Slide 7: What makes this poem/text relevant to Dead Poets’ Society (the film) and to the modern audience? Extra Points: Pictures/images that correspond to the text, the film, and/or the author

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