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Student Branches Ron Seaman IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting January 25, 2014 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Branches Ron Seaman IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting January 25, 2014 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Branches Ron Seaman IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting January 25, 2014 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section Five CTS Student Branches 2010-2011 BranchFaculty AdviserCTS Liaison St. Mary’s University San Antonio Dr. Djaffer Ibaroudene Ernest Franke Texas State University San Marcos Dr. Larry Larson Joel Sandahl Trinity University San Antonio Dr. Farzan Aminian Ron Seaman University of Texas Austin Dr. Sriram Vishwanath Nick Chotiros University of Texas San Antonio Dr. Paul Morton Scott Weidner

3 IEEE Central Texas Section CTS Student Branch Funding 2013-2014 l Phase I $1,000/branch l Written proposal l Oral presentation at fall planning meeting l Awarded September 28 l Phase II $5,000 total l Written proposal l Awarded November 30

4 IEEE Central Texas Section Phase I Projects Short Name Amount $ Budgeted Amount $ Expended Percent $ Expended Percent Effort Complete Plan to Complete Phase II Projects Short Name Amount $ Budgeted Amount $ Expended Percent $ Expended Percent Effort Complete Plan to Complete 2013-2014 Branch Funding Status Report Format

5 IEEE Central Texas Section The CTS student branches thank you for its continued support QUESTIONS???

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