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Using Various Delivery Techniques Continuing With Advanced Techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Various Delivery Techniques Continuing With Advanced Techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Various Delivery Techniques Continuing With Advanced Techniques

2 Why is it important to use various delivery methods? Bear with me--Just a review!

3 A Sampling of the Methods Possible 4 Lectures 4 Demonstrations 4 Guided Discussion 4 Student Activity 4 Games and Simulations 4 Case Studies 4 Independent Studies 4 Others??

4 Case Studies 4 Stories, situations, scenarios that allow students to consider decisions, alternatives, and precedence for real-life application. 4 Generally applied with other instructional techniques such as role-playing, guided discussion or writing. 4 Applied learning is evidenced.

5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Studies  Provides for student involvement  Adds realism  Can be used for in-class or out-of-class application  Students may get too fascinated with the case itself and miss the intended point

6 Tips for Developing Case Studies 4 Begin with objectives 4 Be sure that the case is relevant to the concepts being stressed 4 Use cases in progressive levels of difficulty 4 Be sure that the case is believable 4 Look for real cases that can be used “as is” or in modified form 4 Study, study, study the case for flaws. 4 Give just enough information to guide the students, but not too much so that the students are stifled 4 Be sure that the case is solvable 4 Guide the discussion, don’t control it

7 Instructional Games and Simulations 4 A game generally involves competition. An educational game adds an instructional purpose 4 A simulation includes “a reality of function” (Gredler 1992) 4 Both can be a fun and educational way to challenge students

8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonstrations  Enjoyable to students  Students must actively make decisions  May involve competition  Assessment may be both objective and subjective  Logistics!--Time, space, equipment, etc.

9 Tips for Developing Educational Games and Simulations 4 Begin with objectives 4 Carefully plan all aspects of the game or simulation 4 Give students a written description of the activity 4 Provide appropriate time for the activity 4 Avoid embarrassing situations

10 Independent Studies 4 Designed to allow the student to be “self- directed 4 Surprisingly demanding on the instructor at times 4 May be text based, computer based, research based, or based on other media

11 Advantages and Disadvantages of Independent Studies  Allows student to learn at own pace  Easy to individualize or standardize  Provides “convenience” to the educational program--(Maybe flexibility is better)  Students and instructor may “fizzle out”  Requires much discipline on the part of the student (and instructor)

12 Tips for Developing and Conducting Independent Studies 4 Begin with clearly-defined objectives 4 Set up a plan for monitoring the student’s activity 4 Consider using activity summaries or progress reports 4 Have students plan long-range strategies 4 Encourage research and self-dependency 4 Work under a “contract” or other clear description

13 Just remember-- If you are boring yourself, you are paralyzing your students!

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