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Brain Quiz Spatial reasoning, art, music and imagery in most people appear to be functions of which Spatial reasoning, art, music and imagery in most people.

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Presentation on theme: "Brain Quiz Spatial reasoning, art, music and imagery in most people appear to be functions of which Spatial reasoning, art, music and imagery in most people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brain Quiz Spatial reasoning, art, music and imagery in most people appear to be functions of which Spatial reasoning, art, music and imagery in most people appear to be functions of which Hemisphere? Hemisphere? Right Right This brain part regulates alertness and is stirred up during a change in rhythm in our surroundings. This brain part regulates alertness and is stirred up during a change in rhythm in our surroundings. Reticular activating system Reticular activating system Lobe that processes visual input- Lobe that processes visual input- occipital occipital

2 Certain kinds of food poisoning, such as botulism, shut off this neurotransmitter causing Certain kinds of food poisoning, such as botulism, shut off this neurotransmitter causing paralysis. paralysis. Acetylcholine (Ach) Acetylcholine (Ach) There are several of these in the brain which are depressions marking off an area. There are several of these in the brain which are depressions marking off an area. fissure fissure What part of the brain might be important to a tightrope walker in a circus? What part of the brain might be important to a tightrope walker in a circus? cerebelllum cerebelllum

3 This part of the brain regulates basic needs such as hunger and thirst as well as some emotions like anger and pleasure. hypothalamus What is a main function of the thalamus? central relay station for incoming and outgoing messages Sandy grew to be over 7 feet tall because of a tumor in this gland. pituitary

4 This part of the body that has short, powerful neurons with few synapses helps us to act in the first stages of an emergency. This part of the body that has short, powerful neurons with few synapses helps us to act in the first stages of an emergency. spinal cord spinal cord The _______gland regulates the speed of bodily processes called metabolism. The _______gland regulates the speed of bodily processes called metabolism. thyroid thyroid Testosterone is a main male hormone. What other male hormone, according to your text, helps to start the sex drive in males and females? Testosterone is a main male hormone. What other male hormone, according to your text, helps to start the sex drive in males and females? androgen androgen

5 What glands help us to prepare for emergencies? What glands help us to prepare for emergencies? adrenal glands adrenal glands This master gland is attached to and controlled by the hypothalamus. This master gland is attached to and controlled by the hypothalamus. Pituitary Pituitary True or False True or False Messages through the nervous system are electrical while messages through the endocrine system are mainly chemical. Messages through the nervous system are electrical while messages through the endocrine system are mainly chemical. False-nervous system messages travel using both electrical and chemical messages False-nervous system messages travel using both electrical and chemical messages

6 Because this neurotransmitter is involved in the control of bodily movement, a deficiency Because this neurotransmitter is involved in the control of bodily movement, a deficiency seems to play a role in Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease. seems to play a role in Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease. Dopamine Dopamine This part of the brain plays a role in integrating personality and forming complex thoughts. This part of the brain plays a role in integrating personality and forming complex thoughts. Frontal association area Frontal association area A disruption in memory would likely involve this part of the brain in the limbic system. A disruption in memory would likely involve this part of the brain in the limbic system. hippocampus hippocampus

7 Which part of the brain recognizes faces? Right temporal lobe Another name for hemispheric specialization is Lateralization What are main functions of association areas? Higher mental functions such as learning, Remembering, thinking, speaking

8 What functions are the association areas NOT involved in? – –Primary motor and sensory functions – –The thalamus receives information for all our senses EXCEPT – –Smell – –Olds and Milner conducted studies on the reward system involving what part of the brain? – –hypothalamus

9 Deaf people use which hemisphere to read signs? Left hemisphere Which part of the brain transforms visual sensation into an auditory code? Angular gyrus This nerve network in the brainstem plays an important role in arousal/alertness. Reticular activating system or reticular formation

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