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Indigenous Roots.

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1 Indigenous Roots

2 Discussion questions to Consider
How do the Mayan and Aztec polities compare in terms of land occupied, societal structure, and contributions to history? How were the indigenous societies of Mesoamerica similar or different from those in the Andean region? How did Mesoamerican and Andean societies differ from those found elsewhere in the Americas? How did the nature of Aztec society contribute to its conquest by Cortés? Could the Aztecs have resisted differently?

3 Timeline: Pre-Colombian America
Peopling of the Americas 30,000-10,000 BC Last ice age 20, ,000 BC Migrations from Asia (Polynesia) 9,500 -9,000 BC Humans reached southern tip of South America 9, ,000 BC Disappearance of megafauna 8, ,000 BC First Settlements (North and Mesoamerica) 2,000 BC First permanent agricultural settlements (Oaxaca, 1700BC)

4 Timeline: Pre-Colombian America
Ancient American Civilizations Formative Period 1200BC -1AD Olmec Culture (Veracruz) AD Chavin de Huantar (Peru) Classic Period AD Teotihuacan (Valley of Mexico); first great Mesoamerican empire AD Monte Alban (Oaxaca, Mexico) Mochica Nazca cultures/states in Peru AD Maya Early Classic Period AD Tihuanaco and Huari cultures/states (Peru) AD Maya Late Classic Period Post-Classic Period Toltec empire - Cholula, Tula (Mexico) Chimu, Chan Chan (Peru) Maya Post-Classic era Ancient America at the time of Columbian Voyages Inca Empire Aztec Empire

5 Mesoamerica before Conquest
Pre-1519 Mesoamerica before Conquest


7 Olmec Heartland 1200BC- 1AD

8 Teotuatican 100BC -750BC

9 Quetzalcoatl

10 Toltecs at Tula

11 Toltecs invaded the city of Chichen Itza by 987AD and ruled


13 Maya Empire

14 Mexica migration


16 Aztec

17 Lake Texcoco

18 Huitzilopochtli

19 Tlatelolco

20 Market at Tlatelolco

21 Templo Mayor

22 Moctezuma II

23 Aztec Sacrifice

24 Florentine Codex: Example 1: Aztec Field medicine






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