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Persuasive Techniques 1.Bandwagon 2.Testimonial 3.Loaded Terms/Language.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive Techniques 1.Bandwagon 2.Testimonial 3.Loaded Terms/Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive Techniques 1.Bandwagon 2.Testimonial 3.Loaded Terms/Language

2 Technique Examples Bandwagon: “everybody’s doing it” “you don’t want to be left out”

3 Technique Examples Testimonials: an endorsement by a famous person or by a person who might be considered an expert

4 Technique Examples Testimonials: an endorsement by a famous person or by a person who might be considered an expert

5 Technique Examples Loaded Words – using words that try to take advantage of the reader’s emotions, or words that have a lot of power. Examples: Appealing to fear, Appealing to excitement, Appealing to romance, etc. Best, New and Improved

6 Loaded Terms/ Language “I plan to run as your student council president because I am the best candidate for the job. I have the best hair in the school, the coolest clothes, and I am always wearing the latest and greatest shoe styles.”


8 Technique Examples Plain Folks: when a rich or famous person attempts to appear like an average person. “Bill Clinton eats at McDonalds."

9 Plain Folks Identifies product/idea with a locality or country Practical product for ordinary people. Like a good neighbor…

10 Plain Folks

11 Technique Examples Name Calling: links a person, or idea, to a negative symbol. Examples: commie, fascist, yuppie, terrorist, redneck

12 Name-Calling This technique links a person or idea to a negative image. It is hoped that association with this negative symbol will cause the viewer to reject it outright. Look carefully at the negative connotations (emotions behind the words) of the words Smart Negative Connotation Neutral or No Connotation Positive Connotation Nerd, Geek, Poindexter Genius, Prodigy, Einstein

13 Name Calling

14 Practice What is the technique? Explain how it is used.

15 Practice: What is the technique? Explain how it is used.

16 Loaded Terms/ Language “I plan to run as your student council president because I am the best candidate for the job. I have the best hair in the school, the coolest clothes, and I am always wearing the latest and greatest shoe styles.”

17 Guess the Propaganda Technique! Everyone else is going to see Twilight. Why can’t I? 1.What is the technique? 2.Explain how it is used.

18 Guess the Propaganda Technique! 1.What is the technique? 2.Explain how it is used. “Without your donations, these children may starve to death.”

19 Guess the Propaganda Technique! 1.What is the technique? 2.Explain how it is used.

20 Guess the Propaganda Technique! 1.What is the technique? 2.Explain how it is used. “Sprite: The only soft drink refreshing enough for Lebron James.”

21 Guess the Propaganda Technique! 1.What is the technique? 2.Explain how it is used.

22 Guess the Propaganda Technique! 1.What is the technique? 2.Explain how it is used. “On the last stop of his campaign, John McCain stopped into Burger King for lunch with ‘the regulars.’”

23 Guess the Propaganda Technique! In a campaign speech to a logging company, the Congressman referred to his environmentally conscious opponent as a "tree hugger." What is the technique? Explain how it is used.

24 Annotate the speech, “Females and Football” Then answer: 1.What persuasive technique does Evelyn use most in her speech? 2.What is the purpose of this speech? 3.What sentence is most likely the thesis of Evelyn’s speech? 4.Who is Evelyn’s audience? 5.How can Evelyn best engage her audience? 6.What is the organizational structure of this speech? A. cause-effect B. comparison-contrast C. problem-solution D. sequential

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