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3 Presentation Media Characteristics And Uses In Online Learning 3

4 What Is Media? The word media, plural of medium, is from the Latin word for middle and describes that which stands between the receiver and the source of the message. It is commonly used to describe ways to convey information and entertainment. In educational context, student is the receiver of message and teacher is the source of message. 4

5 . The golden rule in the use of media is that the message a teacher wishes to convey is considerably more important than the means used to convey it. In the world of education and training, technology is a servant and not a master, the media isn’t the message, only the means. 5

6 Media Defined:- Any components around the students that can convey messages that motivate the students to learn. A means that transmit message from transmitter to receiver. A means that enables human beings to influence other people who do not have contact with him or her immediately. 6

7 . Effective learning is linked more to media characteristics and learning context. Sometimes, text is still the best way to learn. No tool is perfect for every situation. Not all media is created equal, and certain formats are more effective for certain tasks. 7

8 Why Use Media The lesson is difficult to understand. Lack of students’ attention since they get bored. Tiredness and limited time that teacher has. Limited reading resources at school. 8

9 Advantages Of Using Media The students become more creative to do various activities. An interesting learning environment is created. Lesson which is to be presented becomes more meaningful and clear. 9

10 Considerations In Choosing Media:- Goal/objectives Flexibility Relevance Easiness Interest Content 10

11 Types Of Media And Their Characteristics:- There are many media formats to address the diverse needs of online learners, but the challenge is to select an appropriate media type which can present learning material effectively to achieve the conceived learning objectives. Media characteristics need to match with the requirements of the content and outcomes. 11

12 Print And Text:- Text is the venerable back bone of learning text is not interactive, so this a weak strategy today. But is often used partially because it is familiar to many. Print was part of the first teaching machine- the book—and books were the first mass- produced commodity (McLuhan, 1964,p.174) Biggest benefit of text is that it is surveyable and portable, however,, it is overused and abused. Print is accessible (to the literate), and comparatively low in cost, however, it is non-responsive, and may lead to passive route learning. 12

13 Graphics And Visual Displays:- Computer graphics deals with the generation, representation, manipulation and display of pictures with the aid of a computer. Graphics can increase the motivation of users to attend, prompt perception, and aid recall, and assist in the development of higher-order thinking and concept formation. 13

14 . Visuals that emphasize the critical details relevant to learning are most effective. Unnecessary visuals may be distracting, especially to learners with limited attention spans or discrimination skills. 14

15 Audio:- An audio summary of previous material can aid recall, help retention, and lead to concept formation and higher – order thinking. The mode of presentation most often found on this medium, the human voice, is a familiar and powerful teaching tools. Audio may be more motivating than print alone, and together with print may form a powerful alternative and aid to reading alone(Newby etal, 2000) 15

16 The Internet:- Online learning always denotes learning on the Internet. which offers both advantages and challenges to educators and trainers. The advantages arise from the Internet’s enormous capacity to link participants with information and with each other (Haughey & Anderson, 1998) 16

17 . Problems with navigation, structure, interactivity complexity, security, and time wasted by undisciplined or confused users does affect its usefulness, however Internet materials may lack interactivity, providing merely a one-ay presentation of information. The reliability of information on the Internet may also be suspect. Successful use of the internet currently demands proficient literacy and computer skills. 17

18 Video:- According to Roberts(1998), video Adds a sense of direct involvement a physical presence among geographically disperse learners. Enables the delivery of global expertise to remote learners. Eliminates or reduces travel time and time away from jobs and family. 18

19 Media Uses In Online Learning Media components can provide subject information and the in structural process, sound and vision to explain or demonstrate skills. Self-testing opportunities and assessment processes. Communication between teachers and students. 19

20 . Print resources are relatively cheap to produce. Many processes can be demonstrated, but physical operations or interactions are much less successful in the print medium. 20

21 . The use of media depends on who the students are where they are, their existing skill levels and their learning styles. For example: if low literacy levels are factors, audio or video resources will be useful. If students are very isolated, the telephone will help break down the distance barrier. If the course requires students to develop physical skills, realistic video demonstrations will be useful. 21

22 . Audio resources are a cheap and effective means of conveying information. For example, a German language course uses audio tapes to provide vocabulary and conversation exercises. 22

23 . Video resources are expensive to produce but at very useful where practical demonstrations of skills are required. For example, a child care training package includes a video of activities in a child care centre; high brings the subject to life and enables students to respond to real-life situations. 23

24 Conclusion:- the value and effectiveness of print resources should not be minimized. in spite of the explosion of high tech computer-based communication, print will remain the most accessible medium of communication for many years to come. it can be used anywhere, and is always at hand for reference. Technology – based media suffer from the limitations of the specific technology being used; its accessibility depends on availability. 24

25 . Thank you 25

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