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Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) BY: Zackary Sanders & Kyle Sawyer Bell: 2B.

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Presentation on theme: "Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) BY: Zackary Sanders & Kyle Sawyer Bell: 2B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) BY: Zackary Sanders & Kyle Sawyer Bell: 2B

2 Description: A Cerebrovascular Accident otherwise known as a stroke is the rapid loss of brain function due to lack of blood supply to the brain.

3 Cause: The primary causes for stroke consist of old age, high blood pressure(hypertension), a previous stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol, or cigarette smoking.

4 Types Hemorrhage stroke is the leakage of blood from the brain. Ischemia stroke is a lack of blood flow to the brain.

5 Therapy ischemic stroke-therapy is aimed at removing the blockage by breaking the clot down (thrombolysis), or by removing it mechanically (thrombectomy). hemorrhagic stroke-Patients with intracerebral hemorrhage require neurosurgical evaluation to detect and treat the cause of the bleeding, although many may not need surgery

6 Pharmacology ischemic stroke-Anticoagulants and antithrombotics hemorrhagic stroke- levels of consciousness, and their blood pressure, blood sugar, and oxygenation are kept at optimum levels

7 Expected Outcome There can be major brain damage causing one side of a person body to function differently than the other or the inability to grasp once simple concepts. If there isn’t brain damage you are still more at risk for another stroke.

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