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WWI APEH – supplementary material not found in Kagan.

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1 WWI APEH – supplementary material not found in Kagan

2  Increased centralization of government  Mass conscription  Economic regimentation  Gov’t. control on prices, wages, rent  Food & supply rationing  Regulation of imports & exports  Nationalization of transportation & industry  Manipulation of public opinion  Plight of soldier and role of citizen begin to overlap ▪ “Citizen army” full of national pride & patriotism “fighting” for country’s ultimate victory  Increased use of propaganda in all countries  HOWEVER dissent does exist esp. after 1916 – liberals and socialists ▪ Worker strikes; military mutinies; independence movements ▪ 1916 Easter Rebellion: IRA rises up against British gov’t. by occupying gov’t. buildings in Dublin

3  War Raw Materials Board  Run by Walter Rathenau – allocation of imp. raw materials necessary for building effective war machine  Food Rationing  1916 = 1350 calories per day; 1917 = 1000 calories per day  750,000 civilians die of starvation  1916 Military Dictatorship  Generals Paul von Hindenburg, chief of General Staff & Erich Ludendorff, deputy chief of staff  Dec. 2, 1916 Auxiliary Service Law = all male non-combatants aged 17-60 allowed to work only in jobs supporting the war effort  GB: July 1915 - PM David Lloyd George forms Ministry of Munitions  Private industry would produce war materiel @ a limited profit  Defense of the Realm Act – police can arrest dissenters as traitors; public officials can censor the press

4  France: up to 1917 no strong leadership  Lose 75% of coal & 80% of steel production to German occupation  1917 = Georges Clemenceau ▪ Cracks down on dissention and suppress civil liberties in the name of war  Russia – no success at Total War  Too autocratic; weak economy; lack of industrial resources; wide-spread ethnic problems; not enough public support

5  WWI = great social leveler  Inflation hits the middle class harder than other classes  Labor movements benefit greatly  More widespread collective bargaining practices  Unions gain prestige  Women become more dominant in workplace  Banking institutions  Commerce  Armament plants & heavy industry  Truck driving & farming  Women push for equal pay, political equality & financial security  BUT by 1919 many women are unemployed and their situation in the workplace is reduced to what it was prior to WWI

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