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Introduction to “Ser” ¿Qué significa,“Ser”?. “Ser” significa “to be” ¿Qué significa “ser”? ¡Sí! “Ser” significa “to be.” So if I say, “Qué significa….”

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to “Ser” ¿Qué significa,“Ser”?. “Ser” significa “to be” ¿Qué significa “ser”? ¡Sí! “Ser” significa “to be.” So if I say, “Qué significa….”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to “Ser” ¿Qué significa,“Ser”?

2 “Ser” significa “to be” ¿Qué significa “ser”? ¡Sí! “Ser” significa “to be.” So if I say, “Qué significa….” What am I saying?

3 ¡Sí! I’m asking, “What does it mean?” There are other ways to ask,“What does it mean?” Some other ways are: ¿Qué quiere decir….? ¿Cómo se dice….?

4 Let’s Practice these a little… ¿Qué quiere decir, “Gracias”? “Gracias” quiere decir, “Thank you.”

5 ¿Qué quiere decir, “¡Hasta mañana!”? “¡Hasta mañana!” quiere decir, “Until tomorrow!”

6 Now let’s try the other one! ¿Cómo se dice, “Hello, my name is Alma”? Se dice, “Hola, me llamo Alma.”

7 ¿Cómo se dice, “Where are you from?” Se dice, “¿De dónde eres?”

8 ¿Cómo se dice, “I am from Arkansas”? Se dice, “Yo soy de Arkansas.” Se dice, “Yo soy de Arkansas.”

9 ¿Cómo se dice, “You’re welcome”? Se dice, “De nada.” Now, let’s go back to “Ser.”

10 ¿Cómo se dice, “to be”? Se dice, “Ser.” Ser is what we call an infinitive verb. When we use “ser” in a sentence it is usually conjugated. That means it’s form changes so that it can be used correctly in a sentence.

11 Just as ”to be” changes it’s form when it is used in a sentence, “ser” also changes. This is called _______________. In English, “to be” also changes depending on who we are talking about. (i.e. I am, You are, He is, They are, etc.) Conjugation

12 Singular Yo soy- I am Tú eres- You are (inf) El es- He is Ella es- She is Usted es- You are (form) Plural Nosotros somos- We are Vosotros sóis- You all are (Inf/Spain only) Ellos son-They are Ellas son- They are Ustedes son-You all are (form or inf)

13 You will need to memorize these conjugations and their pronouns. For now, see how many you can remember…. Yo soy… I am… I am…

14 Tú eres…. You are…

15 El/Ella es….. He/She is….

16 Nosotros somos…… We are....

17 Vosotros sóis…. You all are… InformalInformal Only in SpainOnly in Spain All the otherAll the other countries use “Ustedes” which can be formal or informal.

18 Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes son….. They/ You all are… i.e. i.e. Ellos son de Arkansas.

19 La Tarea: Practice these conjugations with your classmates. Point to the person you are speaking to or about as you speak.Practice these conjugations with your classmates. Point to the person you are speaking to or about as you speak. Use correct pronunciation (remember the correct vowel sounds)Use correct pronunciation (remember the correct vowel sounds) Practice on your own with a hispanic friend (Expect to be corrected! You are learning!)Practice on your own with a hispanic friend (Expect to be corrected! You are learning!)

20 El Fin

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